"Val d'Oise Technopole" and the Cergy-Pontoise technology company incubators

accet neuvitec


Established at the initiative of the Val d'Oise General Council , and managed by the Association for the Establishment of Service Company Centres (French acronym ACCET), "Val d'Oise Technopole" and the Cergy-Pontoise technology company incubators (NEUVITEC 95) offer particularly attractive conditions to start-up companies or to those with plans to set up companies in the technological field.
Numerous financial, technical and support services are proposed to companies housed in these facilities.

To obtain furher information:

ACCET - Val d'Oise Technopole
Pépinière d'Entreprises Technologiques de Cergy-Pontoise
1, Mail Gay Lussac
95015 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex
Tél. : 01 34 40 65 00 - Fax : 01 34 40 65 01
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Internet : www.accet.asso.fr

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> Conseil départemental du Val d’Oise - 2 avenue du Parc - Bâtiment F - 3ème étage - CERGY


2, avenue du Parc - CS 20201 Cergy
95032 CERGY-PONTOISE cedex France
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