A dense, rich, diversified economic fabric

entreprises tissu eco

Val d'Oise is home to a range of complementary industries and other business activities, based in a variety of established and emerging centers.

Opening of the A 16 motorway has fueled rapid growth in industrial areas along the RN1 highway between Deuil-la-Barre, Domont and Montsoult, close to attractive town centers.
Persan-Beaumont, with its rich industrial tradition, is a source of balance for economic life in the northwest of département, not only through its established metallurgy businesses but also through a variety of advanced technology companies.

Sites along the Seine near Argenteuil-Bezons, Cormeilles, Herblay and La Frette are ideally located, offering rapid access to Paris and La Défense. Argenteuil-Bezons is home to aerospace, mechanical engineering and a variety of high-tech companies, as well as fine chemicals and plastics processing operations. The new Seinergie business park, served by a major motorway, confirms the sucess of earlier ventures that include "Harmoniques", "Algorithmes" and "Thales".

The Montmorency valley is best known as a prime residential area, but it also the site for numerous smaller businesses involved in advanced technology sectors, many of them sub-contractors to the mechanical engineering, plastics and electronics industries. Plans for larger industrial areas in the west of the valley with bolster the département's position as a base for services and offices.

NomActivitésCA 2005
BP France Pétrole 7.938
Amec Spie Ingénierie électrique, télécoms, services 2.688
Groupe DHL France Transport et logistique 2.000
Général Motors  France Automobiles 1.895
3M France Pharmacie 1.020
Spie Batignolles Travaux publics, BTP 925,8
Dow France Chimie 817,2
3M France Adhésifs, bureautique 706,5
Bacou - Dalloz Equipements de protection 694,2
Johnson Controls Automotive Automobiles 591,9


Secteur industrielEffectifsPart dans l’effectif industrielPart du Val d’Oise dans l’Ile de France
Total industrie manufacturière dont : 43.700 100% 8,3 %
Fabrication d’instruments médicaux, de précision, d’optique et d’horloge 5.002 11,4 % 12,8 %
Industrie chimique 4.880 11,2 % 7,5 %
Travail des métaux 4.849 11,1 % 13,8 %
Fabrication de machines et équipements 4.559 10,4 % 12,7 %
Industries alimentaires 3.076 7,0 % 6,4 %
Fabrication d’équipements de radio, de télévision et de communication 2.810 6,4 % 9,4 %
Fabrication de machines et appareils électriques 2.775 6,4 % 14,8 %
Industrie automobile 2.526 5,8 % 4,5 %
Industrie du caoutchouc et des plastiques 2.080 4,8 % 18,6 %
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2, avenue du Parc - CS 20201 Cergy
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