The Rubber and Polymers industry in the Val d'Oise


Aware of the strategic interest of the Rubber and Polymers industry, the Val d'Oise is home to many stakeholders in this sector. The reputation and synergies established by these national champions, multinationals and dynamic SMEs are encouraging other companies working in the industry to locate in the département.

carre France is the second-largest producer of tyres and rubber technical parts in Europe after Germany and ahead of Spain and Italy. The Val d'Oise is particularly involved in the progress of this industry. The work of major prime contractors and subcontractor SMEs located in the département covers several areas of the Rubber and Polymers industry such as processing, which includes tyres and industrial rubber, as well as finished products for companies (pipes, gaskets, belts, etc.) and individual consumers (gloves, boots, teats, etc.). This environment extends to suppliers, producers of raw materials, manufacturers of moulds and companies positioned on the waste recycling market.

Well-known companies located in the Val d'Oise include Hutchinson in Persan, Le Joint Français (a subsidiary of the Hutchinson group) in Bezons and 3M France in Cergy. The presence in the département of Axson, Electra Unic Industrie, Lisi Automotive Rapid, Cooper Standard Automotive France, Griffine is also noteworthy. All of these companies located in the Val d'Oise are involved in marketing and production activities, as well as R&D and the manufacture of innovative products.
The University of Cergy Pontoise is also part of this dynamic, offering a large number of courses relating to the industry, as are engineering schools such as the EBI(Higher Institute of Industrial Biology). They also act as genuine partners for the companies working in this sector in the Val d'Oise, focusing on targeting new markets and developing new products.



«Our customers have transferred their technological development to us. They submit their problem to us and we find the solution. That's how our business works today».
François Souchet, Managing Director of the Hutchinson "Sealants, adhesives and profiles" Division.

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