Health and biotechnology in the Val d'Oise



The health and biotechnology industry is one of the highlights of economic activity in the Île-de-France region. Several large organisations in the Val d'Oise play their part in this dynamic.

carre The large number of research laboratories, a large hospital network, AP-HP (Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris), and some one thousand specialised industrial companies all encourage the development of research and implementation of biotechnologies and medical devices throughout the region.
In the Val d'Oise alone, there are around one hundred companies working in the health and pharmaceutical science industries, including 3M Santé, Hyphen Biomed, Invitrogen, Pall Biosepra and Catalent. The Val d'Oise also has a large number of both public and private training centres, higher education institutions and research laboratories. Ever since the launch of competitiveness clusters by the French government, the Val d'Oise Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO) has played

a major role in the work piloted by the regional development agency which has led to the Greater Paris project 'Medicen Paris Région' being granted status as a cluster. This cluster is one of the six international clusters recognised in France – a distinct opportunity for key players and companies in the Val d'Oise working in the health industry, bringing them together in projects whose key requirements include: strong industrial R&D academic research with international influence key public / private subsidiarity affirmation of local and regional political willpower demonstrated by core projects.
Lastly, one of the characteristics of the network of companies in the Val d'Oise in the health sector is the large number of well-known names, including 3M Santé, Pasteur Cerba Laboratoire, Pall Biosepra and many more.

« PNothing is more precious than health – which is why Area Time Logistics is the vital link between the world of science and the world of transport. »


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