Software and complex systems in the Val d'Oise



The Software and complex systems industry affects areas including design, production and control of measurement systems and instruments for telecommunications, automotive, security and defence applications.

carre Many industrial groups, including hallmark members of the System@tic Paris Région cluster such as Sagem Groupe SAFRAN, a world leader in biometric sensors, and Thalès, the electronics giant, conduct their business in these fields in the Val d'Oise. They are surrounded by a dense fabric of SMEs specialising in microelectronics.

carre The Val d'Oise has major assets in terms of safety and security in the form of the many applications within this industry. Eight of the leading security operators are subsidiaries of international groups

working in the Val d'Oise, for example the Swedish company Securitas, the American company, Brinks contrôle sécurité, Chubb Sécurité, Silliker, Tyco Electronics and Autoliv Electronics.
Security and risk management have been a constantly growing market for several years now (+30 % per year for the IT security sector alone). The volume of business has increased since the 9/11 attacks, which sounded the alarm for many companies which are now seeking better protection for their staff, sites and IT systems.
There are also many technological innovations in this field of security, as seen with Trust Platform (PFC) projects1, SIC2 and Mobi SIC3 conducted by Sagem Défense Sécurité within the System@tic Paris Région cluster with their partners, including Thalès (cf. page 4). These include the new challenge undertaken by Sagem Groupe SAFRAN: the use of multibiometrics (facial recognition, fingerprints and iris scans) 

« In the security industry, complentarity between local R&D applied to user companies such as Aéroports de Paris for security measures at Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle international airport, is exemplary. »


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