The Val d'Oise department's eastern area: major opportunities

roissy cdg

This area enjoys an exceptional location due to major trunk roads (RN16, RN17, A1, A16), current creation of quick links (connecting the northern section of the Francilienne, Parisis Intercommunal Boulevard), as well as the Roissy Charles de Gaulle international airport (airport, TGV high speed train railway station, RER suburban train station, etc.). The progressive creation of 100,000 m² of office space ("Roissy-pôle") and establishment of a business incubator (" Aéropole ") create a driving force within the airport platform.

To meet the extremely high demand of national and foreign companies, several business parks for approximately 1,000 hectares located within the municipalities of Roissy-en-France, Gonesse, Bonneuil-en-France, and Goussainville are planned by the SDRIF (Ile-de-France Region basic development scheme), and have started accommodating high technology companies, foreign companies, and companies with an international calling.

Many municipalities such as Sarcelles, Louvres, or Saint-Witz are also developing new activity zones to accommodate companies interested by the nearby airport and its services, the exceptional road infrastructure quality (RN16, RN17, A1, A16, etc.) as well as this zone's international calling.

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PME-PMI : Comment répondre aux objectifs du développement durable en lien avec les acteurs du territoire ?


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