"Missions Export" 2016 | The program of export operations organized by the Economic Development Committee of the Val d'Oise  See the program


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Digital technology in Val d’Oise

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Val d’Oise, a trusted territory

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A sovereign data center

A Data Center covering 6 000 m2  will be commissioned in Val d’Oise. It is intended for data backup for companies and higher institutions that need to know the location of their data. As a bonus, the use of water from the Oise to cool equipment makes it possible to benefit from the “Green Computing” label.

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The Numeric Lab,

Located in Enghien-les-Bains, this business incubator welcomes and supports innovative start-ups in the field of digital, creative and cultural industries. It allows them to develop prototypes  and  new  digital  uses  (smart furniture, applications, connected objects, creative software, robotics, etc.).

Futur.e.s,  Paris, a festival created by Cap Digital, illustrates the societal and environ- mental challenges of the digital world.

Paris Cyber Week, a forum that brings together digital players around industrial sectors.

The digital factory of Enghien-les- Bains and its digital lab offer entrepreneurs a framework and conditions conducive to the development and sustainability of their projects.

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Spotlight  on this sector

Digital is a rapidly growing sector of excellence. It gathers in Val d’Oise nearly 600 companies and laboratories with excellent reputations. It is divided into six categories: the digital industry (manufacturing of computer products), distribution, telecommunications services, computer services, hosting services, programming and development. The sector is strengthening its investments into inno- vation, especially via artificial intelligence (AI).

One of the digital hubs of the Val d’Oise region is concentrated on the banks of the Seine river near Paris-La Défense around the following companies:

>Atos, worldwide leader in digital trans- formation, number one in Europe in the Cloud, cybersecurity and supercomputers. It provides integrated orchestrated hybrid Cloud solutions for big data and business applications and connected work environments.

>Dell-EMC, Data center offers physical and virtual storage solutions (data center, server, infrastructure networks hyper- convergent security, protection & storage of data), video equipment and conference rooms.

>Sophos, Sophos, world leader in security networks and End point systems, defends independent and in-depth testing of cybersecurity products. It offers solutions and products against sophisticated threats and risks of loss of data.

The agglomeration of Cergy-Pontoise has another cluster of digital companies:

>Thales Training & Simulation is a subsidiary of Thales Group, (specializing in aerospace, defense, security and land transportation). This subsidiary designs simulation tools and solutions, both virtual and constructive, for civilian and military applications.

>Idemia, world leader in biometrics and payment solutions, develops its products and its solutions in the biometric enrollment of customers on sites, in secure mobile transactions, the Internet of objects, authen- tications and transactions. The R&D center and design office of Idemia in Cergy- Pontoise is specialized in biometric tech- nology tools with fingerprint recognition (digital, veins, palm, iris and facial) as well as in the detection and recognition of substances.

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To enable companies to work in optimal conditions, the objective of the departmental council of Val d’Oise is to create fiber optic networking throughout the territory by 2020. Optical fiber contributes to the Val d’Oise’s attractiveness for the establishment of new digital companies, an objective of the Ile-de- France Region.

The Val d’Oise is a territory of choice for companies - close to Paris with the presence of Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport. The department is  connected  by  a  motorway  

network  (A1, A15, A16), but also by a network of waterway infrastructures with the valleys of the Seine andOise rivers, which open onto the harbors of Le Havre and Rouen. A major asset for inter- national trade.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the future of digital. Atos, an international leader in digital transformation in partnership with Google- Cloud and its AI laboratory, working actively in this field, making Val d’Oise a territory of the future, open to the development of quantum technologies.

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Higher education and training:

Université of Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
33, boulevard du Port 95011 - Cergy-Pontoise cedex
> Graduate School for Electronics and Applications

i-Management school

School of Electrical Engineering, Production Engineering and Industrial Management

International School of Data Processing Sciences (Computer Science and Mathematics Engineering) University laboratories: Computer  engineering

University laboratories:

Computer  engineering lab (EISTI) 
Economic intelligence, DATA and optimisation

Laboratory of Industrial Eco-Innovation and Energy

Information Processing and Systems Team

Laboratory for Systems and Applications in Information and Energy Technologies

Laboratoire Cloud (ITESCIA)
Experimental and innovation laboratory for Cloud infrastructure

Laboratoire Gaming & Smart Tech (ITESCIA)
Laboratory for experimentation, prototyping and development of innovative video games


Private  laboratories:


Major companies in Val d’Oise

Atos - International leader in digital services, European number one in Cloud.

Dell EMC - Storage and processing of sensitive data.

Midrange - Digital services. Specialised in consulting, integration and IT outsourcing.

PTV Loxane - Creation of intelligent software.

Sophos - Leader in data protection.

Sagemcom Broadband - European leader in high added-value communicating terminals (decoders, modems, electricity meters, etc.)

Thales Training & Simulation - Digital solutions image processing, digital assembly.

Tyco electronics - High-quality electrical components.

Worldline - Design, development and hosting of online services for multimedia, processing of electronic transactions, payment services.

Idemia - Digital security specialised in biometrics, identification and authentication.

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Conférence : Apéritif-Contact du CEEVO : "PME-PMI : Comment comprendre le modèle de l'économie circulaire et ses bénéfices ?" - Mercredi 18 septembre 2024 - 12h30

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, organise chaque mois des réunions à thèmes, les Apéritifs-Contacts, afin de permettre à des chefs d'entreprise et à...


Partenariats : Entrepreneurs, participez à la JET, l’événement B2B sportif et convivial #MadeIn95

La Journée des Entreprises et du Territoire (JET), rendez-vous incontournable pour les ateurs du B2B, rassemble chaque année près de 300 décideurs économiques. Cette 19e édition se tiendra mardi 24...


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"PME-PMI : Comment comprendre le modèle de l'économie circulaire et ses bénéfices ?


> Conseil départemental du Val d’Oise - 2 avenue du Parc - Bâtiment F - 3ème étage - CERGY


2, avenue du Parc - CS 20201 Cergy
95032 CERGY-PONTOISE cedex France
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 +33 (0) 1 34 25 32 42

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