Technologies and environmental eco-activities in the Val d’Oise



The Val d'Oise is playing its part in the rise of environmental engagement, hosting the largest biomass heating plant in France at Cergy-Pontoise, the model nanofiltration water treatment plant at Méry-sur-Oise and Véolia Environnement's training centre at Jouy-Le-Moutier.

carre France is keen to welcome champions of green growth. State recognition of competitiveness clusters dedicated to eco-technologies relating to water, waste management, construction and energy illustrate this desire. Water, treatment of soil pollution, carbon sequestration, deep geothermal energy, energy from waste, sustainable buildings and noise treatment all represent sources of economic potential offering perspectives for growth in French industry. France has more waste treatment plants than any other European country (365 incinerator plants, compared to 154 in Germany and 164 in Italy). Their purpose is

to minimise the hazardous nature of waste as well as make it easier to handle and recycle. It is estimated that France has over 8000 eco-businesses; the national market represents 20% of the European market as a whole. These companies employ a total of 650,000 people. France is characterised by the presence of worldleading multinationals alongside highly dynamic SMEs. Thanks to the presence of eco-industry multinationals, the Ile-de-France region accounts for half the national turnover in this sector and 50,000 jobs: a clear indication of the role played by the region in developing businesses working in the field.

The Val d'Oise département is part of the Île-de-France region, which is responsible for half of all national eco-activity turnover. The Val d'Oise itself is already home to some 300 companies working in this rapidly expanding sector.


«In order to keep pace with this rapidly-expanding sector (with average annual growth of between 5 and 10%, rising to 10-12% for waste processing and 30-40% for new energy technologies), national, regional and department initiatives will be taken throughout France with the aim of structuring this key sector ".
Department of Enterprise, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment, Ile-de-France Region.

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