Eco-industry in Val d’Oise

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Val d'Oise, a trusted territory

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Vexin Regional Nature Park

Vexin Français Regional Nature Park aims to preserve, restore and manage the biodiversity within its territory. Its work is dedicated to remarkable environments but also ordinary biodiversity, while the park houses several protected sites.
The Regional Nature Park is home to cutting-edge companies and laboratories which set up in very attractive conditions in business parks on a human scale surrounded by the natural environment.

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Partnering Robotics

This 100% French SME, which was incubated in Val d’Oise, was the star of COP21 in Le Bourget with the presentation of its autonomous mobile robot “Diya One”, which purifies air and detects pollution in order to eliminate it. It thus purifies the air in construction firms, hotels and public spaces, which is 5 to 10 times more polluted than outside air. The SME relies on a valuable partner: Cofely Services, a subsidiary of Engie (formerly GDF Suez).

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Close-up of a sector

Val d’Oise, a French department located in the Ile-de-France region, which generates half of the country’s turnover from eco-activities, has a number of assets for the development of eco-industries: the presence of leading group in traditional sectors, a high concentration of innovative SMEs, major public and private R&D clusters, and a wide range of business lines (consultancy, engineering, services).

Recycling and decontamination

Val d’Oise houses major environment-related facilities. The nano-filtration water treatment plant in Méry-sur-Oise (SEDIF) is the world leader in the production, treatment and distribution of drinking water sector. The Auror’environnement waste treatment and incineration plant in Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône (Veolia Propreté) has high-performance equipment, and the Plessis-Gassot biogas plant (Veolia-Dalkia-Clark Energy) is internationally recognised for its innovative processes in terms of waste reprocessing.

All eco-activities sectors are represented in Val d’Oise (waste, water, air, soil, energy). Extract-Ecoterres, a subsidiary of Vinci Construction France, which specialises in soil clean-up, has recently set up a European multimodal platform in Bruyères-sur-Oise, just like Biogénie Europe, a division of EnGlobe Corp (an internationally renowned Canadian group), which has invested €7 million and created 10 jobs for its new soil treatment centre. 300,000 tonnes will be biologically treated over a surface area of 4.5 hectares. Hytec Industrie, in Cergy- Pontoise, is an engineering company that specialises in the design and development of water treatment facilities. 

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Significant energy savings

Val d’Oise has a high concentration of extremely diverse SMEs and SMIs in environment- related areas, including in sectors of the future (consultancy firms, engineering, recycling of common and uncommon waste, recovery of metals, etc.). The territory is also home to leaders such as GDF Suez, which is setting up a wood heating system adopted by Aéroports de Paris ( Paris Airports Authorithy) to heat Roissy-CDG Airport.

Stakeholders in sustainable development

The Veolia training centre welcomes hundreds of trainees and over 10,000 interns at Jouy-Le-Moutier, in the Château d’Ecancourt area, and offers 16 professional qualifications ranging from vocational training certificates to Master’s degrees in water, cleanliness, transport, and energy.

The University of Cergy-Pontoise offers a Master’s in civil engineering «Smart buildings, energy efficiency».

This training, as well as the investments made by companies, households, and elected representatives, has become the daily responses and reactions to the increasing scarcity of resources and climate change.

Various different competitiveness clusters operate in the territory: Advancity (for sustainable cities and mobility), Mov’eo (for clean and smart vehicles and mobility) and Elastopole (for rubber and polymers).


The Paris and Ile-de-France region Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI Paris IDF) coordinates the “Éco’Durable” PLATO network in Val d’Oise, which enables SMEs and large enterprises with an interest in the sustainable economy to share their experiences and know-how.

It also runs the Network of Environment Managers (RME) in Val d’Oise and Yvelines. This network unites companies committed to environmental management around joint projects to anticipate regulatory changes and implement concrete environmental solutions.





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Pollutec Exhibition

Every year, “Pollutec” international exhibition of environmental equipment, technologies and services brings together professionals from all over the world around innovative solutions to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment in the areas of industry, local authorities and service industries: smart management of cities, optimising means of production and protecting
coastlines, etc.

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Higher education

• University of Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
- Master’s in Civil Engineering “Smart buildings, energy efficiency”
- Master’s in Earth, Planets and Environmental Science (eco-design and waste management; eco-construction; corporate social responsibility, communication and environment)
• ESSEC Business School (Higher Institute of Economic and Commercial Sciences)
- Advanced Master’s in Urban and Property Management (MUI)
• International School of Information Processing Sciences (EISTI)
- Advanced Master’s in Risk Management in the Territories
- Advanced Master’s in Quality - Safety - Environment
• International School of Agricultural Development Engineering (ISTOM)
- Manager training in international agricultural development
• School of Electricity, Production and Industrial Methods (ECAM-EPMI)
- Qualifying training (continuing education) specialising in climate, energy and sustainable development
- Engineering training «Energies and Cities of the Future”
- Advanced Master’s in «Digital and smart security for the city of the future»

The members can share their experiences and explore possibilities for partnerships.

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Research Laboratories

University of Cergy-Pontoise
• ERRMECe: Extracellular Matrix-Cell Interactions Laboratory research team
• GEC: Geosciences and Environment Cergy laboratory
• L2MGC: Laboratory of Mechanics and Materials of Civil Engineering
• LAMBE: Laboratory Analysis and Modelling for Biology and Environment
• LCB: Chemical Biology Laboratory
• LPPI: Laboratory of Physico-Chemistry of Polymers and Interfaces
• SATIE: Laboratory for Systems and Applications in Information and Energy Technologies
• MRTE: Geography Laboratory on Mobility, Networks, Territories and Environment

Quartz Laboratory (EISTI, ENSEA, SUPMECA, ECAM-EPMI, Université Paris 8)
• Complex systems, mechatronics systems
• Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Internet Of Things (IOT), Semantic Web
• Multi-physical compact modelling
• Operational security and dynamic reconfiguration of systems
• Smart materials

LR2E Laboratory - Research Laboratory of Industrial Eco Innovation and Energy (ECAM-EPMI)
• Energies and cities of the future centre
• Embedded systems and mechatronics centre
• Green logistics and production centre


Benchmark companies in Val d’Oise

Auror’ environnement – Cergy-Pontoise energy recovery centre
Biogénie Europe – Pollution management and soil treatment centre
CGECP – Waste treatment, selective collection and sorting
CO.RE.PA. – Metal recovery and recycling
Curage Industriel de Gonesse – Collection of polluting waste and sewage systems
DI Environnement – Asbestos removal
EAV – Video control and maintenance of sewage networks and systems
Hersand – Recovery of textiles for repurposing and recycling
Hytec Industries – Treatment and recycling of industrial liquid waste
Novergie Ile-de-France – Waste treatment with energy recovery
Otis Veolia Propreté – Collection, evacuation and treatment of domestic waste
Paprec IDF 95 – Recycling
Partnering Robotics – Energy management and services robotics for emerging markets
REP (Veolia Propreté) – Energy recovery and storage of domestic waste
Sanitra Services – Sewage system maintenance and fuel tank cleaning
SEPUR – Domestic waste collection
Sorevo Environnement – Recycling of industrial waste and industrial demolition
Triade Electronique – Collection and recycling of electrical and electronic waste
Méry-sur-Oise water plant (SEDIF) – Production, treatment and distribution of drinking water
Veolia Eau d’Ile-de-France – Maintenance and repair of the public water network

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Logistics in Val d’Oise

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Val d’Oise: a trusted territory

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Supply Chain Event

It's a trade show held in December and featuring around 80 exhibitors. Companies offer equipment, AI solutions and expert systems, supply chain automation systems, collaborative platforms, operational management tools for mechanisation and robotisation, 3D printing and much more...

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ASLOG brings together 400 companies from every sector, with 2,000 professionals working together to build and nurture the supply chain of the future. It is a neutral, independent association, and the ideal point of contact for institutions and public authorities for all matters relating to the sector.

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Spotlight on an industry

With 360 businesses, the logistics sector in Val d’Oise generates plenty of job opportunities.

Logistics is all about physical flow manage- ment, ensuring that goods and services are available at given locations, delivering optimum deadline and cost management, flexibility and speed. It’s a continuously evolving system, where economic markets, land development objectives and regional economic policies meet.

Logistics operator positions are in highest demand, offered at various levels in the food, automotive, chemical and plastics sector:
operations (scheduling deliveries, mon- itoring aftersales, setting up maintenance plans),
management ( logistics cost control, advising business owners, stock manage- ment),
planning (offering clients an optimum logistics service at the most suitable price),

support (aftersales service management). Logistics is a multi-faceted industry combining the management of straight- forward physical flow with expertise in the field of information management. Supply Chain Management is all about putting tools and procedures in place for optimising the logistics chain.

Val d’Oise offers logistics companies a number of opportunities in a wide range of areas, all with easy access from central Paris and Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle Airport. The department has an extensive motorway network (A1, A15, A16), structuring logistics activity around major hubs (Cergy-Pontoise, Grand Roissy). Val d’Oise also has the Vallée de la Seine, a development area for the Port of le Havre, which is looking to consolidate its hinterland and will ultimately have access to the Canal Seine-Nord Europe.

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Global logistics platforms for luxury brands like Chanel, Lancel, L’Oréal, Louis Vuitton and Sisley, plus Exacompta (stationery), Pomona, Stef (frozen goods) and Staci (B2B solutions) have already made Val d’Oise their choice. 
ProLogis “Les Portes de Vémars” business park is home to international logistics companies like Geodis Logistics and Norbert Dentressangle 

international logistics/storage/ textile  distribution,  e-commerce  and  food company).
The department has urban and suburban land reserves, offering a full range of real estate options.

A multi-modal hub in Île-de-France
Val d’Oise is developing large-scale projects on the back of the impetus 

provided by Greater Paris via goods transport infrastructures.

In addition to the multi-modal platform in Bruyères-sur-Oise for transport and logistics companies, a rail shuttle also provides a link to the Chapelle International (Paris 18) urban terminal, transporting the equivalent of 60 semi-trailers.

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Support Network

Higher education and training:

Université de Cergy-Pontoise
33, boulevard du Port 95011
Cergy-Pontoise cedex
> Vocational Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics Process Management
DUT in Logistics and Transport Management
DUT in Quality, Industrial Logistics and Organisation
> Master’s Degree in Logistics Management with Geography, Planning, Environment and Development.


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13 boulevard de l’Hautil 
95092 Cergy-Pontoise cedex  

LGA «Logistics and Industrial Procurement»

Major companies in Val d'Oise

Alis International - Supply chain consultancy, flow management.
Arconic Fixations Simmonds - European Logistics Centre: Distribution of mounting systems.
Daher - Logistics, storage, order preparation, packing and dispatch.
Exacompta - Logistics and transport.
Federal Express Int’l France - Sorting, air-side, maintenance, customs, engineering, administrative, air freight and IT operations.
Gefco - Logistics services, storage and order preparation.
Geodis Logistics Ile de France - Storage and warehousing. Logistics.
Mondial Express - Storage and logistics. Purchasing, handling, freighting and consolidation.
Panalpina France Transports Internationaux - Shipping agent and customs broker, warehousing.
Pomona Passion Froid - Logistics.
Publidispatch - Logistics services: reception, storage, order preparation and transport.
Saga France - Import and export, reception, customs clearance and delivery.
Schenker - Customs broker. Air, sea and road freight. Warehousing and distribution.
Staci - Marketing and promotional logistics, supply chain, e-commerce solutions, B2B market place.
Stef Logistique Cergy - Temperature-controlled logistics.
Ziegler France - Logistics.

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Digital technology in Val d’Oise

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Val d’Oise, a trusted territory

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A sovereign data center

A Data Center covering 6 000 m2  will be commissioned in Val d’Oise. It is intended for data backup for companies and higher institutions that need to know the location of their data. As a bonus, the use of water from the Oise to cool equipment makes it possible to benefit from the “Green Computing” label.

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The Numeric Lab,

Located in Enghien-les-Bains, this business incubator welcomes and supports innovative start-ups in the field of digital, creative and cultural industries. It allows them to develop prototypes  and  new  digital  uses  (smart furniture, applications, connected objects, creative software, robotics, etc.).

Futur.e.s,  Paris, a festival created by Cap Digital, illustrates the societal and environ- mental challenges of the digital world.

Paris Cyber Week, a forum that brings together digital players around industrial sectors.

The digital factory of Enghien-les- Bains and its digital lab offer entrepreneurs a framework and conditions conducive to the development and sustainability of their projects.

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Spotlight  on this sector

Digital is a rapidly growing sector of excellence. It gathers in Val d’Oise nearly 600 companies and laboratories with excellent reputations. It is divided into six categories: the digital industry (manufacturing of computer products), distribution, telecommunications services, computer services, hosting services, programming and development. The sector is strengthening its investments into inno- vation, especially via artificial intelligence (AI).

One of the digital hubs of the Val d’Oise region is concentrated on the banks of the Seine river near Paris-La Défense around the following companies:

>Atos, worldwide leader in digital trans- formation, number one in Europe in the Cloud, cybersecurity and supercomputers. It provides integrated orchestrated hybrid Cloud solutions for big data and business applications and connected work environments.

>Dell-EMC, Data center offers physical and virtual storage solutions (data center, server, infrastructure networks hyper- convergent security, protection & storage of data), video equipment and conference rooms.

>Sophos, Sophos, world leader in security networks and End point systems, defends independent and in-depth testing of cybersecurity products. It offers solutions and products against sophisticated threats and risks of loss of data.

The agglomeration of Cergy-Pontoise has another cluster of digital companies:

>Thales Training & Simulation is a subsidiary of Thales Group, (specializing in aerospace, defense, security and land transportation). This subsidiary designs simulation tools and solutions, both virtual and constructive, for civilian and military applications.

>Idemia, world leader in biometrics and payment solutions, develops its products and its solutions in the biometric enrollment of customers on sites, in secure mobile transactions, the Internet of objects, authen- tications and transactions. The R&D center and design office of Idemia in Cergy- Pontoise is specialized in biometric tech- nology tools with fingerprint recognition (digital, veins, palm, iris and facial) as well as in the detection and recognition of substances.

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To enable companies to work in optimal conditions, the objective of the departmental council of Val d’Oise is to create fiber optic networking throughout the territory by 2020. Optical fiber contributes to the Val d’Oise’s attractiveness for the establishment of new digital companies, an objective of the Ile-de- France Region.

The Val d’Oise is a territory of choice for companies - close to Paris with the presence of Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport. The department is  connected  by  a  motorway  

network  (A1, A15, A16), but also by a network of waterway infrastructures with the valleys of the Seine andOise rivers, which open onto the harbors of Le Havre and Rouen. A major asset for inter- national trade.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the future of digital. Atos, an international leader in digital transformation in partnership with Google- Cloud and its AI laboratory, working actively in this field, making Val d’Oise a territory of the future, open to the development of quantum technologies.

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Higher education and training:

Université of Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
33, boulevard du Port 95011 - Cergy-Pontoise cedex
> Graduate School for Electronics and Applications

i-Management school

School of Electrical Engineering, Production Engineering and Industrial Management

International School of Data Processing Sciences (Computer Science and Mathematics Engineering) University laboratories: Computer  engineering

University laboratories:

Computer  engineering lab (EISTI) 
Economic intelligence, DATA and optimisation

Laboratory of Industrial Eco-Innovation and Energy

Information Processing and Systems Team

Laboratory for Systems and Applications in Information and Energy Technologies

Laboratoire Cloud (ITESCIA)
Experimental and innovation laboratory for Cloud infrastructure

Laboratoire Gaming & Smart Tech (ITESCIA)
Laboratory for experimentation, prototyping and development of innovative video games


Private  laboratories:


Major companies in Val d’Oise

Atos - International leader in digital services, European number one in Cloud.

Dell EMC - Storage and processing of sensitive data.

Midrange - Digital services. Specialised in consulting, integration and IT outsourcing.

PTV Loxane - Creation of intelligent software.

Sophos - Leader in data protection.

Sagemcom Broadband - European leader in high added-value communicating terminals (decoders, modems, electricity meters, etc.)

Thales Training & Simulation - Digital solutions image processing, digital assembly.

Tyco electronics - High-quality electrical components.

Worldline - Design, development and hosting of online services for multimedia, processing of electronic transactions, payment services.

Idemia - Digital security specialised in biometrics, identification and authentication.

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La Logistique en Val d’Oise

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Val d'Oise, territoire de confiance

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Le Parc Naturel Régional du Vexin

Le Parc Naturel Régional (PNR) du Vexin Français a pour mission de préserver, restaurer et gérer la biodiversité de son territoire. Il agit sur des milieux remarquables mais aussi sur la biodiversité ordinaire et intègre de nombreux sites protégés.
Le Parc Naturel Régional accueille des entreprises de pointe et des laboratoires qui s’implantent dans des conditions très intéressantes dans des parcs d’activités à taille humaine, bien intégrés à l’environnement.

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Partnering Robotics

Cette PME 100 % française, incubée dans une pépinière du Val d’Oise, fut la vedette de la COP21 au Bourget en présentant son robot mobile autonome « Diya One ». Celui-ci purifie l’air et détecte la pollution pour la supprimer. Les entreprises du bâtiment, les hôtels et les lieux publics, dont l’air est 5 à 10 fois plus pollué qu’à l’extérieur, sont ainsi purifiés. La PME peut compter sur un partenaire de choix : Cofely Services, filiale d’Engie (ex-GDF Suez).

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Zoom sur une filière

Le Val d’Oise, département d’une région, l’Île-de-France, qui réalise la moitié du chiffre d’affaires national des éco-activités, dispose de nombreux atouts pour le développement des éco-industries : présence de groupes leaders sur les secteurs traditionnels, tissu dense de PME innovantes, importants pôles privés et publics de R&D et forte diversité de métiers (conseil, ingénierie, services)..

Recyclage et dépollution

Le Val d’Oise accueille des équipements majeurs liés à l’environnement. L’usine de nano-filtration des eaux de Méry-sur-Oise (SEDIF) est leader mondial dans le secteur de la production, du traitement et de la distribution d’eau potable. Le centre de traitement et d’incinération des déchets Auror’environnement de Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône (Veolia Propreté) possède des équipements très performants et l’usine de méthanisation du Plessis-Gassot (Veolia-Dalkia-Clark Energy) est reconnue à l’international pour ses procédés innovants en termes de retraitement des déchets.

Tous les secteurs des éco-activités sont représentés dans le Val d’Oise (déchets, eau, air, sols, énergies). Extract-Ecoterres, filiale de Vinci Construction France, spécialisée dans la dépollution des sols, vient de s’implanter sur la plateforme multimodale de niveau européen de Bruyères-sur-Oise, tout comme Biogénie Europe, division d’EnGlobe Corp (groupe canadien mondialement connu), qui a investi 7 millions d’euros et créé 10 emplois pour son nouveau centre de traitement des terres. Sur une surface de 4,5 hectares, 300 000 tonnes seront biologiquement traitées. Hytec Industrie, à Cergy-Pontoise, est une société d’ingénierie spécialisée dans la conception et la réalisation d’installations de traitement des eaux. 

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Des économies d'énergies considérables

Le Val d’Oise possède un tissu dense de PME-PMI extrêmement diversifiées dans les domaines de l’environnement, y compris dans des secteurs d’avenir (bureaux d’études, engineering, recyclage des déchets banaux et non banaux, récupération des métaux...).

Sont également présents sur le territoire des leaders tels que GDF Suez, qui met en place une centrale de chauffe au bois, système retenu par Aéroports de Paris pour chauffer l’aéroport de Roissy-CDG.

Des acteurs impliqués dans le développement durable

Le centre de formation de Veolia accueille des centaines d’apprentis et plus de 10 000 stagiaires à Jouy-Le-Moutier, au domaine du château d’Ecancourt et propose 16 diplômes professionnels du CAP au Master dans les filières de l’eau, la propreté, le transport et l’énergie.

L’Université de Cergy-Pontoise dispense, quant à elle, un master Génie civil parcours « Bâtiment intelligent, efficacité énergétique ».

Ces formations ainsi que l’investissement des entreprises, des ménages et des élus sont devenus des réponses et des réflexes quotidiens à la raréfaction des ressources et au changement climatique.

Différents pôles de compétitivité interviennent sur le territoire : Advancity (pour la ville et la mobilité durables), Mov’eo (pour l’automobile et la mobilité propre et intelligente) et Elastopole (pour les caoutchoucs et polymères).


La Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Paris Île-de-France (CCI Paris IDF) coordonne un réseau PLATO “Éco’Durable” en Val d’Oise, qui permet aux PME et aux grandes entreprises ayant un intérêt pour l’économie durable, de partager leurs expériences et savoir-faire.

Elle anime également le Réseau des Managers de l’Environnement (RME) du Val d’Oise et des Yvelines. Ce réseau fédère les entreprises engagées dans la gestion de l’environnement autour de projets communs pour anticiper les évolutions réglementaires et mettre en place des solutions environnementales concrètes.




Les réseaux

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Salon Pollutec

« Pollutec », salon international des équipements, des technologies et des services de l’environnement, rassemble chaque année des professionnels du monde entier autour de solutions innovantes permettant de réduire l’impact des activités humaines sur l’environnement dans les domaines de l’industrie, des collectivités ou du tertiaire : gestion intelligente des villes, optimisation des moyens de production et préservation des littoraux...

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Enseignement supérieur
• Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
- Master Génie civil parcours Bâtiment intelligent, efficacité énergétique
- Master Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnement (Éco-conception et gestion des déchets; Éco-construction; Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises, communication et environnement)
• École Supérieure des Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (ESSEC)
- Mastère Spécialisé Management Urbain et Immobilier (MUI)
• École Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l’Information (EISTI)
- Mastère Spécialisé Gestion des Risques sur les Territoires
- Mastère Spécialisé Qualité - Sécurité - Environnement
• École d’Ingénieur agro-développement International (ISTOM)
- Forme les cadres des métiers de l’agro-développement international
• École d’Électricité, de Production et des Méthodes Industrielles (ECAM-EPMI)
- Formations qualifiantes (formation continue) spécialisées dans les domaines climatique, énergétique et développement durable
- Formation d’ingénieur “Énergétique et Ville du Futur”
- Mastère Spécialisé “Sécurité Numérique et Intelligence répartie pour la ville du futur”

Les membres peuvent partager leurs expériences et envisager des partenariats.

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Laboratoires de recherche

Université de Cergy-Pontoise
• ERRMECe : Équipe de Recherche sur les relations matrice extracellulaire-cellule
• GEC : Laboratoire géosciences et environnement Cergy
• L2MGC : Laboratoire de mécanique et matériaux du génie civil
• LAMBE : Laboratoire d’analyse et modélisation pour la biologie et l’environnement
• LCB : Laboratoire de chimie biologique
• LPPI : Laboratoire de Physicochimie des polymères et des interfaces
• SATIE : Laboratoire Systèmes et applications des technologies de l’information et de l’énergie
• MRTE : Laboratoire de géographie mobilités, réseaux, territoires, environnements

Laboratoire Quartz (EISTI, ENSEA, SUPMECA, ECAM-EPMI, Université Paris 8)
• Systèmes complexes, systèmes mécatroniques
• Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Internet Of Things (IOT), Web sémantique
• Modèle multi-physiques réduits et compacts
• Sûreté de fonctionnement et reconfiguration dynamique des systèmes
• Matériaux intelligents

Laboratoire LR2E - Laboratoire de Recherche en Éco-innovation industrielle et Énergétique (ECAM-EPMI)
• Axe Énergétique et Ville du Futur
• Axe Mécatronique et Systèmes Embarqués
• Axe Productique et Logistique Verte


Les entreprises de référence

Auror’ environnement – Centre de valorisation énergétique de Cergy-Pontoise
Biogénie Europe – Dépollution et centre de traitement des terres
CGECP – Traitement de déchets et collecte sélective et de déchetteries
CO.RE.PA. – Récupération et recyclage de métaux
Curage Industriel de Gonesse – Collecte de déchets polluants et réseaux d’assainissement
DI Environnement – Désamiantage
EAV – Entretien et contrôle vidéo de canalisations et réseaux d’assainissement
Hersand – Récupération de textiles pour valorisation et recyclage
Hytec Industries – Traitement et recyclage d’effluents liquides industriels
Novergie Ile-de-France – Traitement des déchets avec valorisation énergétique
Otis Veolia Propreté – Collecte, évacuation et traitement des ordures ménagères
Paprec IDF 95 – Recyclage
Partnering Robotics – Robotique de services et gestion d’énergie pour marchés émergents
REP (Veolia Propreté) – Valorisation énergétique et stockage des déchets ménagers
Sanitra Services – Entretien de réseau d’assainissement et nettoyage de cuves à fuel
SEPUR – Collecte d’ordures ménagères
Sorevo Environnement – Recyclage de déchets industriels et démolition industrielle
Triade Electronique – Collecte et recyclage de déchets électriques et électroniques
Usine des eaux de Méry-sur-Oise (SEDIF) – Production, traitement et distribution d’eau potable
Veolia Eau d’Ile-de-France – Entretien et réparation du réseau public d’eau

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Goods transport in Val d’Oise

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Val d’Oise: a trusted territory

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SITL - Transport and logistics innovation week

At the Parc des expositions de Paris-Nord Villepinte, SITL – the trade show for the transport of goods and logistics services industry – features the full range of innovative products and services for goods transport, the logistics industry and the supply chain. Exhibitors from all areas of the freighting sector: modal transport, information systems, supply chain management, infrastructures, transport equipment etc.

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DistriGreen and GoGreen

DHL launched its GoGreen plan to reduce CO2 emissions. Drivers are trained in the techniques of eco-driving. DHL has software for optimising their rounds and making their journey shorter, uses scooters for last- mile deliveries and is testing renewable energy with electric utility vehicles. Introduced by DHL, DistriGreen is a new model for environmentally-friendly inner-city deliveries, such as Paris, where DHL uses electric delivery vehicles.

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Spotlight on an industry

Transport is in daily demand and organising the chain of operations to supply clients at the right time and place, at the lowest cost and without any damage is a complex task. Many companies use transport professionals for product dispatch and stock management. The rise of e-commerce is a massive boost to the industry.
There are 5 separate transport categories: road transport for intercity freight, road transport for local freight, leasing trucks with driver, freight and the organisation of transport and couriers and express freight.

Val d’Oise: the road to transport
Val d’Oise is home to leading companies in Île-de-France, the biggest employment base for the goods transport sector in France:
The European hub for FedEx, a major player in the international express transport sector, based at Roissy CDG, offering international air freight services for import
 and  export  and  already  employing  over 2,500 people. With its new building, FedEx is meeting the demand for express transport via its hub, one of the most technologically advanced in the world, improving parcel sorting capacity by over 40%.

Geodis - Freight Forwarding France, in Roissy, is a major global freight service provider, offering multi-modal transport solutions.
Heppner, in Gonesse, delivers within 24/48hrs throughout Europe and overseas Using all modes of transport, a complex business requiring traceability and health and safety. Heppner positions itself as the most internationally focused transport company in France.
UPS (United Parcel Service), inBruyères sur Oise, is a courier company that aims tosimplify global trade operations. It is also one of the top specialist transport providers for logistics and e-commerce.

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Promoting  innovation
Val d’Oise puts the focus on innovation.
The transport sector has 650 businesses located there.

Many  Val  d’Oise  companies  have  located around Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport and Paris-Le  Bourget  business  airport,  including DHL International Express, Europe Airpost, France  Handling  /  WFS,  SAGA  France, Schenker,  SDV  Logistique  International, TNT  Express  National,  Transport  Mazet Paris and UPS (United Parcel Service).

A multi-modal hub in Île-de-France 
Val d’Oise is developing large-scale projects on the back of the impetus provided by Greater Paris.  45  minutes  from  Paris,  Bruyères-sur- Oise will be the gateway to the major ports of northern Europe when the Canal Seine-Nord Europe is completed. The expansion of river freight is is one of the objectives of the Grenelle Environment Forum (increase alternatives to road transport by 25%). 

Bruyères-sur-Oise has everything it needs to consolidate its position as a major port in Val-d’Oise.
In addition to the multi-modal platform for transport and logistics companies, a rail shuttle also provides a link to the Chapelle International (Paris 18) urban terminal, transporting the equivalent of 60 semi-trailers.

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Support network

Higher education and training:

Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
33, boulevard du Port 95011 - Cergy-Pontoise cedex
>  DUT in Logistics and Transport Management
Vocational Bachelor’s Degree in Transport and Distribution Management
Vocational Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management – Passenger Transport
Master’s degree in Engineering, Transport and Mobility Networks Management
Master’s degree in Transport, Territory and Environment with Geography, Planning, Environment and Development
Master’s degree in the Operation and Development of Public Transport Networks with Geography, Planning, Environment and Development
 Master’s degree in Complex Systems IT and Engineering – Electronics for Autonomous Systems
 Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and Planning

GARAC École nationale des professions de l'automobile d'Argenteuil
3, Bd Gallieni - BP 30004 - 95102 Argenteuil Cedex

>  Bodyworke Mechanics and Electronics >  Electric Vehicles >  Hybrid Vehicles >  On-board Computing >  Autonomous Vehicles

13 boulevard de l'Hautil  - 95092 Cergy-Pontoise cedex  

> EVF “Énergétique et Ville du Futur” (Energy and Cities of the Future)
> MPI “Mécatronique et Productique Industrielle” (Mechatronics and Industrial Production)



MRTE - Laboratory of mobility, network, regional and environmental geography (UCP)

● Public policy and regions in transition
● Changes in mobility and transport
● Heritage enhancement
● Environment, participation and digitalisation challenges

SATIE - Information  and energy technology systems and applications (UCP)

Research into information systems:
● Instrumentation and imaging
● Methods and tools for signals and systems
● Bio-micro-systems and bio-captors

Research into energy systems:
● Power electronics and integration
● Magnetic materials for energy
● Energy systems for transport and the environment
● Advanced e-mobility

TESLA platform developed by Laboratoire Quartz, (ECAM EPMI)

Research into a dynamic route system for recharging vehicle batteries by induction while they are travelling.


Major companies in Val d’Oise

Calberson Paris Europe -International and national road transport.

Chronopost - Express transport worldwide.

DHL International Express 
Express transport and international courier. 

FedEX - Express transport. Air freight. 

Geodis Freight Forwarding France - Small package express transport, international, import/export.

Heppner - National and international transport.

MG Transport - Public goods transport. National courier. 

Nippon Express France - Worldwide freight forwarder, import/export.

Prevote Location - Industrial vehicle leasing. Transport and distribution.

Rave Distribution - Goods transport by road and industrial vehicle leasing.

SAGA France - Collection and dispatch of air freight, exports.

Schenker - International transport. Air, sea and road freight.

SDV Logistique International - Air freight agent. Freight forwarder. 

Transport Mazet Paris - Transport, courier, freighting and storage.

UPS (United Parcel Service) - National and international express courier transport.

UPS SCS France - Air and sea freight. Freight forwarder.

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