"Missions Export" 2016 | The program of export operations organized by the Economic Development Committee of the Val d'Oise  See the program


Val d'Oise / Ile-de-France / Paris Region / Choose Ile-de-France / Ceevo95 : Participati...

13 June 2024
Val d'Oise / Ile-de-France / Paris Region / Choose Ile-de-France / Ceevo95 : Participation du CEEVO à la réunion de lancement du Réseau des Développeurs économiques franciliens, au Conseil Régional d'Île-de-France

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 11 juin dernier, à la séance de lancement du Ré...

Val-d'Oise / Japon : Participation du CEEVO à l'assemblée générale du Comité d’Échanges ...

13 June 2024
Val-d'Oise / Japon : Participation du CEEVO à l'assemblée générale du Comité d’Échanges Franco-Japonais (CEJF)

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, membre du Conseil d'administration de cette organisation, a par...

Val-d'Oise / Japon : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une visite des laboratoires de CY Cergy...

13 June 2024
Val-d'Oise / Japon : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une visite des laboratoires de CY Cergy Paris Université par Hiroyuki Suzuki, Executive Vice-President de l'Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute International (ATR), au Japon

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a organisé, le 10 juin dernier, une visite des laboratoires en ...

Entreprises : Échanges du CEEVO avec Natacha Ducatez, Présidente Fondatrice, et Guillaum...

13 June 2024
Entreprises : Échanges du CEEVO avec Natacha Ducatez, Présidente Fondatrice, et Guillaume Dumas, Responsable des Partenariats de la société Sinéliance, pour évoquer les projets de développement de l'entreprise en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a accueilli à Cergy, le 11 juin dernier, Natacha Ducatez, Prési...

Val-d'Oise /Japon : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une visite de l'ENSEA et du Laboratoire ...

13 June 2024
Val-d'Oise /Japon : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une visite de l'ENSEA et du Laboratoire ETIS par Hiroyuki Suzuki, Executive Vice-President de l'Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute International (ATR), au Japon

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a organisé, le 10 juin dernier, une visite de l'École Nationale...

Économie : Échanges CEEVO avec Yves Charon, Président du Tribunal de Commerce de Pontois...

13 June 2024
Économie : Échanges CEEVO avec Yves Charon, Président du Tribunal de Commerce de Pontoise, pour évoquer la situation économique et les indicateurs de la vie des entreprises dans le département

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a accueilli à Cergy, le 10 juin dernier, Yves Charon, Président...

International : Accueil par le CEEVO en Val-d'Oise de Madame Bojana Kondić Panić, Ambass...

13 June 2024
International : Accueil par le CEEVO en Val-d'Oise de Madame Bojana Kondić Panić, Ambassadeur de Bosnie-Herzégovine en France, Déléguée Permanente auprès de l'UNESCO, pour évoquer des opportunités de coopérations économiques, universitaires et technologiq

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a accueilli en Val-d'Oise, le 10 juin dernier, Madame Bojana Ko...

Alimentation : Innov’alim 95 - Plein feu sur les entreprises innovantes dans l’alimentat...

13 June 2024
Alimentation : Innov’alim 95 - Plein feu sur les entreprises innovantes dans l’alimentation !

Fort du succès de l’an dernier, pour sa 1ère édition, la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie du Val-d’Oise et ses partenaires relancent le challenge ...

Filières : L’aéronautique prend de la hauteur à Cergy-Pontoise (Article 13 comme Une)...

13 June 2024
Filières : "L’aéronautique prend de la hauteur à Cergy-Pontoise" (Article 13 comme Une)

Source : 13commeune Avec déjà plus de 6 000 emplois dans l’aéronautique, notre agglomération est un territoire propice au développement de ce secteur...

International : Organisation par le CEEVO de rencontres pour la délégation de la Fédérat...

13 June 2024
International : Organisation par le CEEVO de rencontres pour la délégation de la Fédération des Entreprises Industrielles et Commerciales de Canton, avec la Ville d'Argenteuil et le MEDEF Val-d’Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, avec l'appui de son bureau en Chine, a accueilli, le 5 juin der...

Investissements : Logistique : l'allemand Dachser s'implante au pied de Roissy-CDG (Ar...

13 June 2024
Investissements : "Logistique : l'allemand Dachser s'implante au pied de Roissy-CDG" (Article Les Echos)

Source : Les Echos Le groupe allemand Dachser vient de s'installer dans un entrepôt logistique de 20000 m2 à Roissy-CDG, pour répondre à la hausse de...

Entreprises : Échanges du CEEVO avec Joris Gaudion, dirigeant de la société Rue des Idé...

13 June 2024
Entreprises : Échanges du CEEVO avec Joris Gaudion, dirigeant de la société "Rue des Idées", pour évoquer les projets de développement de l'entreprise en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a accueilli à Cergy, le 6 juin dernier, Joris Gaudion, fondateu...

Mécénat : Présence du CEEVO au Concert Alexandre Tharaud et le 7ème Art dans le cadre ...

07 June 2024
Mécénat : Présence du CEEVO au Concert "Alexandre Tharaud et le 7ème Art" dans le cadre de l'Opus 43 du Festival d'Auvers-sur-Oise, au Théâtre des Louvrais, à Pontoise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé le 6 juin dernier au Concert "Alexandre Tharau...

Numérique : Participation du CEEVO à la visite du Hub Nikola Tesla à l'occasion du 5ème ...

07 June 2024
Numérique : Participation du CEEVO à la visite du Hub Nikola Tesla à l'occasion du 5ème anniversaire de la création de cet équipement à l'initiative de Val d'Oise Numérique

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 6 juin dernier, à Ecouen, à la visite des locau...

Entreprises : Visite par le CEEVO de l'espace de Coworking ComindLab, à Osny, et échange...

07 June 2024
Entreprises : Visite par le CEEVO de l'espace de Coworking ComindLab, à Osny, et échanges avec ses co-fondateurs, Frédéric Ollivier et Abdelaziz Noubli, pour évoquer les projets de développement de cet espace entrepreneurial innovant en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a visité le 6 juin dernier, à Osny, les locaux du ComindLab, es...

Innovation : Participation du CEEVO au Tech'Days organisé par le Carrefour Enseignement ...

07 June 2024
Innovation : Participation du CEEVO au Tech'Days organisé par le Carrefour Enseignement Supérieur Entreprises du Val d'Oise (CESE 95), la Communauté d'Agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise, et CY Transfer, sur la thématique de la Responsabilité Sociétale des En

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 4 mai dernier, au Tech'Days organisé par le Car...

Aéronautique : Participation du CEEVO au Salon aéronautique ILA 2024, à Berlin, pour la ...

07 June 2024
Aéronautique : Participation du CEEVO au Salon aéronautique ILA 2024, à Berlin, pour la promotion d'opportunités économiques en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, ce mercredi, à Berlin, au Salon aéronautique ILA 2...

Mobilités : Participation du CEEVO à la conférence The future of eVTOLs in Germany , av...

07 June 2024
Mobilités : Participation du CEEVO à la conférence "The future of eVTOLs in Germany", avec Balkiz Sarihan, CEO - Airbus Urban Mobility GmbH, et Klaus Röwe, CEO - Lilium GmbH, au Salon ILA Berlin

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 5 juin dernier, à la conférence "The futur...

Réseaux : Participation du CEEVO au Sablier du MEDEF Val-d'Oise avec l'intervention de...

07 June 2024
Réseaux : Participation du CEEVO au "Sablier" du MEDEF Val-d'Oise avec l'intervention de Daphné Salon - Michel, Directrice de la Banque de France dans le Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé,clé 4 juin dernier, à Enghien-les-Bains, au "S...

Environnement : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une visite du site Val'Pôle, Pôle d'Écologie...

07 June 2024
Environnement : Organisation par le CEEVO d'une visite du site Val'Pôle, Pôle d'Écologie Industrielle - Veolia du Plessis Gassot / Bouqueval, pour la délégation de la ville de Liaoyuan et de la Province du Jilin (Chine)

L'équipe du CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise a organisé, le 4 juin dernier, une visite du site Val'P...

Entreprises : Visite par le CEEVO des locaux de la société Sydéral, à Argenteuil, et éch...

07 June 2024
Entreprises : Visite par le CEEVO des locaux de la société Sydéral, à Argenteuil, et échanges avec son dirigeant, Franck Longiéras, pour évoquer les projets de développement de l'entreprise en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise, a visité, le 3 juin dernier, les locaux de la société Sydéral, ...

Réseaux : Réélection du CEEVO en tant que membre du Board of Directors d'EURADA, la Fé...

07 June 2024
Réseaux : Réélection du CEEVO en tant que membre du "Board of Directors" d'EURADA, la Fédération européenne des Agences de Développement, lors de son Assemblée générale du 3 juin 2024, à Bruxelles

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, membre fondateur, depuis 1992, d'EURADA (European Association o...

Insertion : Participation du CEEVO au Forum des Structures d'Insertion par l'Activité Éc...

06 June 2024
Insertion : Participation du CEEVO au Forum des Structures d'Insertion par l'Activité Économique, organisé par le réseau départemental VOIE 95

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 28 mai dernier, au Forum des Structures d'Inser...

Université : Participation du CEEVO à l'inauguration du Centre d'Employabilité Francopho...

06 June 2024
Université : Participation du CEEVO à l'inauguration du Centre d'Employabilité Francophone international de Gennevilliers, à l'invitation de Laurent Gatineau, Président de CY Cergy Paris Université, et de Slim Khalbous, Recteur de l'AUF - Agence Universit

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 30 mai dernier, à l'inauguration du Centre d'Em...

Alternance : 14e Fête des Métiers et de l'Alternance : une réussite au-delà des attentes...

04 June 2024
Alternance : 14e Fête des Métiers et de l'Alternance : une réussite au-delà des attentes pour l'emploi et la formation en Île-de-France

Le 22 mai, la 14e édition de la Fête des Métiers et de l’Alternance a une nouvelle fois démontré son rôle essentiel dans le domaine de l'emploi, de la...

Investissement : Participation du CEEVO aux échanges des dirigeants de la société chinoi...

04 June 2024
Investissement : Participation du CEEVO aux échanges des dirigeants de la société chinoise Beukay Cosmetics avec la Mairie d'Argenteuil, dans le cadre de l'installation d'une nouvelle unité de production de l'entreprise en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, qui accompagne depuis plusieurs mois la Société chinoise Beukay...

Réseaux : Participation du CEEVO à la rencontre des membres du réseau Dynamic 95 pour un...

04 June 2024
Réseaux : Participation du CEEVO à la rencontre des membres du réseau Dynamic 95 pour une visite des ateliers du Lycée Jean Perrin, à St Ouen l'Aumône

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, mardi 28 mai, à la rencontre mensuelle des membres...

Entreprises : Dans le Val-d'Oise, Courtigo veut court-circuiter les concessionnaire aut...

04 June 2024
Entreprises : "Dans le Val-d'Oise, Courtigo veut court-circuiter les concessionnaire auto" (Article Les Echos)

Source : Les Echos La petite entreprise Courtigo connaît un développement express dans le Val-d'Oise. Elle réalise déjà un chiffre d'affaires de 8 mi...

Territoires : Participation du CEEVO à la réunion du Comité des Territoires de Choose ...

03 June 2024
Territoires : Participation du CEEVO à la réunion du "Comité des Territoires" de Choose Paris Region (CPR) pour un Forum spécialement dédié aux Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques Paris 2024

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise, a participé, le 30 mai dernier, à la réunion du "Comité de...

International : Participation du CEEVO à l'accueil de la délégation de l'Association nat...

03 June 2024
International : Participation du CEEVO à l'accueil de la délégation de l'Association nationale des PME Chinoises au MEDEF Val-d’Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 30 mai dernier, à Argenteuil, à l'accueil de la...

Mobilités : Échanges du CEEVO avec Daniel Sloat, Président de l' Advanced Air Mobility (...

31 May 2024
Mobilités : Échanges du CEEVO avec Daniel Sloat, Président de l' Advanced Air Mobility (AAA) Institute, pour évoquer les atouts du Val-d'Oise pour la filière de la Mobilité Aérienne Urbaine

Le CEEVO, l’Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a échangé, le 28 mai dernier, dans le cadre du Salon Internati...

International : Participation du CEEVO au Forum économique Gabon - France, à Paris

31 May 2024
International : Participation du CEEVO au Forum économique Gabon - France, à Paris

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise à participé, le 29 mai dernier, au Forum économique Gabon - Fran...

Aéronautique : Promotion des territoires du Val d'Oise par le CEEVO au Salon EBACE 2024 ...

31 May 2024
Aéronautique : Promotion des territoires du Val d'Oise par le CEEVO au Salon EBACE 2024 (Salon International de l’aviation d’affaires)

Entre le 28 et le 30 mai 2024, le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise, a participé au Salon internation...

Territoires : Participation du CEEVO au Salon de l'Association des Maires d'Île-de-Franc...

31 May 2024
Territoires : Participation du CEEVO au Salon de l'Association des Maires d'Île-de-France (AMIF), à Paris

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 28 mai dernier, à l'édition 2024 du Salon de l'...

Promotion : Participation du CEEVO à l'émission Business Keys, les clefs du business , ...

31 May 2024
Promotion : Participation du CEEVO à l'émission "Business Keys, les clefs du business", animée par Kady Karats sur les ondes de RGB 99,2 FM, pour présenter les stratégies d'attractivité économique et d'appui au développement des projets des entreprises

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise, a participé le 28 mai dernier à l'émission "Business Keys,...

International : Participation du CEEVO à la Conférence Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Gr...

31 May 2024
International : Participation du CEEVO à la Conférence "Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay area and Europe (France) Economic and Trade Cooperation", à Paris

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val d'Oise, a participé, le 24 mai dernier, à la Conférence "Guangdong...

Entreprises : Échanges du CEEVO avec Olivier Genty, Fondateur et Dirigeant de la société...

28 May 2024
Entreprises : Échanges du CEEVO avec Olivier Genty, Fondateur et Dirigeant de la société Les Ateliers El PaPoU, pour évoquer les projets de l'entreprise en Val-d'Oise

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise, a accueilli à Cergy, le 15 mai dernier, Olivier Genty, Fondateu...

Innovations : Échanges et rencontres pour le CEEVO lors de la 8ème édition de Viva Techn...

28 May 2024
Innovations : Échanges et rencontres pour le CEEVO lors de la 8ème édition de Viva Technology, le rendez-vous Tech et Startup de l’année, à Paris

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'Attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise, a participé à Viva Technology, rendez-vous mondial des startups...

Animations : Succès pour l'Apéritif Contact du CEEVO sur le thème : La participation de...

28 May 2024
Animations : Succès pour l'Apéritif Contact du CEEVO sur le thème : "La participation de l’associé à l’activité commerciale de l’entreprise : Quels statuts, quels risques et quels enjeux ?" animé par Maîtres Anne BAUDOIN et Sébastien TO - Cabinet EVODROIT

Le CEEVO, l'Agence de Développement et d'attractivité des territoires du Val-d'Oise, organise chaque mois des conférences à thèmes, baptisées « Apér...

Mobilité aérienne : Embraer double ses capacités sur l’aéroport du Bourget (Article Ae...

28 May 2024
Mobilité aérienne : "Embraer double ses capacités sur l’aéroport du Bourget" (Article Aerobuzz)

Source : Aerobuzz) Embraer et sa filiale Eve Air Mobility (Eve) ont signé avec le Groupe ADP un protocole d’accord qui porte notamment sur la créatio...


Automotive industry in Val d’Oise


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Val d’Oise, a trusted territory

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Expect to be safe

Anticipating innovations in the automotive industry, the Gendarme special unit PJGN in Pontoise set up in 2015 the OCSTI (Central Observatory of Intelligent Transport Systems) to detect threats and opportunities represented by intelligent logistical systems. This helps to prevent new vulnerabilities such as those arising from the computerization of logistics.

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Multidisciplinary training

The GARAC in Argenteuil is the national school for the auto industry. It offers 21 tracks from diploma to Engineer, preparing young people to meet the techno- logical and commercial challenges in cars, motorcycle, truck and mobility services. It trains qualified technicians as well as highly sought-after executives in the industry.

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Spotlight on this industry

The automotive sector brings together car manufacturers, Tier 1 suppliers and many parts vendors as well as numerous subcon-tractors belonging to various sectors (tool and die, plastics, stamping, foundry, electronics, automation, etc.).

It also includes manufacturers of trucks, buses and coaches, as well as autobody shops. This sector is structured around five main business divisions: distribution (vehicles and fuel), car maintenance, services for drivers, drivers training and recycling.

The industry has developed an action plan for a limited number of high-stakes structural projects: 

> Environmental: with the arrival of the electric  motor  and  the  evolution  of hybrids, which will profoundly impact the whole sector;


> Digital: with the connected, intelligent, autonomous vehicle and the emergence of subjects as complex as the protection of data held by a vehicle;

> Societal: with new mobility offers and a profound evolution of the relationship between humans and cars.

On-board electronics mean piloting and controlling all the functions of the vehicle to improve comfort and security, to reduce global energy consumption and emissions. Valeo (specialized in systems and electrical and electronic equipment for motors and parts) and Autoliv (specialized in security equipment for vehicles) work in this sector.

The automotive sector files more patents in France and invests more than 6 billion euros a year in R&D. Valeo, a global group, holds the largest number of patent filings in France.

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Valeo “engine control system”, located in Cergy, is a company specializing in electronic and electrical systems and equipment for engine controls and automotive parts. It also provides spare parts for car manufacturers.


The Val d’Oise is home to major companies in the automotive world, such as Autoliv, in Cergy, which specializes in the manufacture, development and marketing of motor vehicle safety equipment (airbags, safety belts, steering wheels). Autoliv is also working on the design of the car of the future.

The downstream component of the Val d’Oise region includes service companies that represent a particularly dense ETI, SME and TPE eco-system like Telma, Flex-N-Gate and Visteon Electronics.

Erpro in Saint-Leu-la-Forêt, brings together 2 companies, one specialized in 3D printing and the other in cutting metal parts. The SME employs fifty employees and produces single pieces or very small quantities for tests and demonstrations.

For example, a steering wheel for a prototype car, a crank case for an electric bicycle or an airplane part for wind tunnel testing.

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Research  and higher education:
University of Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
33, boulevard du Port 95011
Cergy-Pontoise cedex

> School of Electrical Engineering, Production Engineering and Industrial Management

Graduate School for Electronics and Applications Public laboratories

University  laboratories:

Information Processing and Systems Team

Complex systems engineering and computer sciences

Laboratory of Industrial Eco-Innovation and Energy

Laboratory of mobility, network, regional and environmental geography

Laboratory for Systems and Applications in Information and Energy Technologies

Private laboratories:


Well-known companies in Val d’Oise

3M - Night Safety Systems for Motor Vehicles (Reflective Lighting Systems).

ABB - Manufacturing of industrial equipment, energy technologies and automation: high, medium and low voltage products, controls, variable speed drives, instrumentation and analysis, motors and generators, robotics.

Akebono - Research and Development Center specializing in the manufacture and marketing of brake pads for motor vehicles.

Autoliv - Development, manufacture and marketing of safety equipment for motor vehicles (airbag, seat belts, steering wheels), autonomous cars.

Erpro - Creating prototypes, models and small series with 3D printing.

Flex-N-Gate - Manufacturing, design and distribution of automotive equipment such as bumpers - front blocks, power units, fans for the automotive industry.

Lear Corporation - Manufacture of seats for the automotive industry.

Soufflerie climatique d’IDF - Analysis, testing and technical inspection of all types of land vehicles.

Telma - World leader in frictionless braking, on-board electronic devices for brake compatibility with ABS, EBS, ESP systems.

Tyco Electronics - Manufacture and sale of electrical and electronic connections for automotive, capital goods (telecommunications, computerized aeronautics, etc.).

Valeo - Design and manufacturing of electronic and electrical systems and equipment for engine controls and automotive parts (spare parts for car manufacturers).

Visteon Electronics - Manufacture of electronic parts for the automotive and automotive industry, interiors such as dashboards, audio systems, information displays.

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Security, safety and risk management in Val d’Oise

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Val d'Oise - A trusted territory

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GSI (Global Security Initiatives)

The Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO) and the Association Pays de Roissy-CDG set up a Global Security Initiatives think tank in 2014 for improved governance across public, private, civil and military management bodies. The objective: focus on anticipation and not just compliance in terms of security within businesses, administrations and communities with the aim of promoting crisis prevention and implementing a capacity for defence at all regional levels.

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CEEVO raises the profile of the security, safety and risk management sector with studies, information resources and databases, making them available to the businesses and academic institutions in the sector and by supporting networks and organising initiatives and events via the GSI think tank.

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Close-up of a sector

The security, safety and risk management market is undergoing major change and strong growth. The market has taken on a whole new dimension in the wake of global terrorist attacks and the Sony and TV 5 Monde hacking incidents. The technology is evolving fast, with a powerful impact on how businesses and administrations develop in the face of globalisation.

Growth in industrial cyber-crime, such as cyber-terrorism, is reflected in a 51% increase in attacks in France in 2014. The sectors most affected are not banking and insurance, but the industrial sector. Pharma, armaments, chemicals and energy are the main targets alongside the press and publishing. The impact of such attacks is increasing in terms of financial loss, loss of clients, employee poaching and loss of image. At the time of the Sony data hacking incident, all areas of the company were affected.

Administrations and businesses face unidentified risks due to the growth of data volumes (big data, cloud computing, mobility, etc.), increased number of interrelationships (Internet of Things) and sophistication of unpredictable, asymmetrical and polymorphous threats, particularly in cyberspace. New solutions such as networked cars, intelligent networks and social networks, Industry 4.0, digital hospitals, e-health and smart cities have opened up the way to further disaster scenarios taking advantage of the many inherent flaws, resulting in a major impact on both the industrial fabric and local populations.

All aspects of the security, safety and risk management sector are represented in Val d’Oise. The department is home to the world’s biggest operators in the sector, such as Autoliv Electronic (vehicle safety), Morpho (world biometrics expert), Thales with its simulation arm and three major data security players: Atos (worldwide leader in digital services), Sophos (global leader in IT security) and EMC2 (world data management specialist).

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We also have Airbus Helicopters (aeronautical construction), Brinks (banking security), 3M (diversified technology), UTC Fire & Security Services, Sagem Défense Sécurité (inertial and optronic technology) and 500 SMEs and SMIs, some specialising in airport security and another operating in the security for people and property (video-surveillance and security staff, etc.) around the airport platform at Paris Roissy-CDG.

Val d’Oise also has a network of public and private laboratories working on the latest research into the sector (ESSEC, EISTI and EPMI, etc.).
The new Pôle Judiciaire de la Gendarmerie Nationale (PJGN) has made its home in Pontoise, including the Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale (IRCGN), the Service Central de Renseignement Criminel (SCRC) and the Centre de Lutte contre les Criminalités Numériques (C3N).

Implemented by CEEVO (Comité d’Expansion Économique du Val d’Oise) and the Association du Pays de Roissy-CDG, Global Security Initiatives (GSI) focuses on three different areas
1. Protection of users: defining “global security” requirements to provide support with the digital revolution that is changing the way we live and the way businesses work.
2. Economic competitiveness: boosting the national security, safety and risk management sector and devising a technological response and tailored services for addressing
security issues.
3. Attraction of the region: conducting local experiments. The challenge we face is to bring managers from regional communities together to deliver a “development with
confidence” approach for investors looking for a secure environment with room to grow.

Val d’Oise is the “ideal place for experimentation”, drawing legitimacy from the presence of critical infrastructures such as Roissy-CDG and its location at the hub of Grand Paris.


It has access to the world’s ten biggest players in the security, safety and risk management sector and their research laboratories located in the region, and can draw on a wealth of experience in the aviation sector.

The aim of GSI in Val d’Oise is to develop new technological responses and services. The approach also feeds into several plans under the Nouvelle France Industrielle (intelligent networks, digital hospitals, cybersecurity, Internet of Things, contact-less services, etc.). 



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Université Paris Seine

The COMUE Université Paris Seine, covering the Université de Cergy-Pontoise and 12 establishments, has selected security as an international excellence project.

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> Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
ERRMECe: Équipe de recherche sur les relations matrice extracellulaire-cellules
• Extracellular matrix, cellular behaviour and physiopathology
• Biofilm and Microbial Behaviour at Interfaces
L2MGC: Laboratoire de mécanique et matériaux du génie civil
• Mechanical and thermal behaviour of civil engineering materials and structures
ETIS: Équipes Traitement de l’Information et Systèmes
• Multimedia data indexing and data integration
- Digital communications
- Neurocybernetics
- Reconfigurable systems on a chip
SATIE: Systèmes et Applications des Technologies de l’Information et de l’Énergie
• IT security: turbocodes
• Aviation security: reliability of on-board systems
THEMA: Théorie Économique, Modélisation et
• Risk and finance
MRTE: Mobilité, Réseaux, Territoires et Environnement
- Safety of people and property: flooding incidents
- Environmental risk and damage
LPTM: Laboratoire de physique théorique et modélisation
• Nanophysics, condensed matter, complex systems
• Integrable systems
• Stochastic modelling of major systems
CESDIP: Centre de recherche sociologique sur le droit et les institutions pénales

It also focuses on boosting and deepening the network of SMEs and SMIs and setting an example at national and international level.

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: Laboratoire d’Études Juridiques et Politiques
• CERSC : Centre d’Étude et de Recherche en Sciences Criminelles

Technology Platforms
• Cosmétomique: Objective measurement for cosmetics
• Analyse & Microscopie: Innovative materials and processes
• LaserInnov: Characterisation, conservation and restoration
• Analyse et microscopie: Innovative materials and processes.

> École de Biologie Industrielle (EBI)
Prevention - Remediation: Evaluation and identification of industrial and environmental risk, product protection and conservation:
• Microbiological safety, new antimicrobials, probiotics
• Health and safety, risk management
• Modelling environmental, biological and industrial spills
• Bio-remediation and photo-catalysis

>Laboratoire Quartz (EISTI-ENSEA-Supmeca)
• Complex systems, mechatronic systems,
• Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), emantic web
• Reduced and compact multi-physics models
• Operating safety and dynamic system reconfiguration
• Intelligent materials

> École d’ingénieur en Agro-Développement International (ISTOM)
• Strategy of players in the South in response to climate, social and economic impacts
• Innovative process diagnostics and impact evaluation
• Evaluation of support systems.

> ECAM EPMI : LR2E : Laboratoire de Recherche en Éco-innovation Industrielle et Énergétique
• Energy and City of the Future
• Production and Green Logistics
• Mechatronics and On-Board Systems


Major companies in Val d’Oise

3M France - Diversified technologies
ATOS - Digital services
BRINK’S France - Banking security
BUREAU VERITAS - Regulations
EMC2 - Data management
FORCLUM ÉNERGIE SERVICES - Overhead power lines
ICTS - Airport security
LABORATOIRE CERBA - Medical security
MORPHO - Biometrics
MSP - Global security assistance
NEDAP - Anti-theft protection
NEO SECURITY - Biological monitoring
PSID - Fire safety
SAFRAN - Biometric ID
SAGEM - Inertial and optronic technology
SECURITAS France - Surveillance and security
STERIGENE - Sterile process engineering
SOPHOS - IT security
THALES - Simulation
UTC Fire & Security Services - Fire safety

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Aeronautics in Val d’Oise

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Val d'Oise, a trusted territory

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3 airports

The Val d’Oise department is home to one of the main European and international airport hubs with Paris Roissy- Charles de Gaulle International Airport, a global platform for air transport and freight, the business airports of Paris-Le Bourget and Pontoise-Cormeilles-en- Vexin, in Cergy-Pontoise. Paris-Roissy-CDG employs 85,000 people in 700 companies and over 200 occupations in 11 main business fields.

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SIAE - First global aeronautics fair

Every two years, Val d’Oise hosts the first International Space and Aeronautics Fair (SIAE) in Le Bourget that brings together all of the global stakeholders in the aeronautics industry around the latest technological innovations.
The exhibition’s 300,000 m2 provide the opportunity to discover aircraft on the ground and in flight and to meet with 2,000 companies (including some 50 from the Val d’Oise department) from around the world.

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Close-up of a sector

The aeronautics sector employs nearly 175,000 people1 in France. It includes 350 companies, mostly parts manufacturers and sub-contractors the majority of which are SMEs recognised for their know-how. The sector dedicates 15% of its turnover to R&D. Val d’Oise accounts for 10% of the aeronautics jobs in the Île-de-France region, concentrated in Argenteuil-Bezons, Cergy-Pontoise, in the Montmorency Valley or near the Paris-Roissy-CDG and Paris-Le Bourget airports.
Val d’Oise and the aeronautics industry, a history that dates back to the previous century. The first aircraft were manufactured outside of Paris, along the River Seine, just like cars. Some buildings on the site of the Dassault Aviation establishment which is involved in assembling military (Rafale) or civilian (Falcon) aeroplanes were built at the beginning of the previous century.

Val d’Oise covers all fields of aeronautics

A veritable aeronautics territory equipped with three airports, the Val d’Oise department covers the whole range of occupations in the aeronautics and airport services industry.
• Aircraft construction, both military and civilian: Dassault Aviation and Airbus Helicopters.
• Aeronautic sub-contractors : numerous SMEs (Aertec, Cefival, Chromalloy, Goodrich Actuation System Sas, Hispano Suiza, Laroche, Le Joint Français, Mäder, etc.) work here for Boeing, Airbus, Dassault, Embraer, etc.
• Aeronautic fasteners (hanging, rivet): two rivet manufacturing units, Lisi Aerospace (Blanc Aero industries) and Alcoa in Cergy- Pontoise, form an international centre of excellence in this field.

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Aeronautics maintenance: Dassault Falcon Service for private jets ; Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance for servicing nearly 1,500 aeroplanes belonging to 150 national and international airlines ; Vector Aerospace France (formerly Seca), another specialist in turboprop maintenance and engines.
Pilot training and practice with Air France-KLM, Flight Safety, Sim Aero Training, etc. which run flight simulators, as well as specialised centres, for general aviation, such as Hispano Suiza, a leader in France.
Aircraft ground handling, grouping together several companies around the Paris-Roissy-CDG and Paris-Le Bourget airports, such as France Handling, Universal, Signature, etc. as well as catering companies (aeroplane refuelling, food, blankets, magazines, in-flight duty-free shops, etc.) such as Servair, New Rest, Uppersky Gourmet, etc.

Aeronautics continues to investments in Val d’Oise

In three years, major manufacturing projects have confirmed that Val d’Oise is the territory in which the aeronautics industry has invested the most.
Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance inaugurated the « Zephyr», in Roissy-en-France in 2012, a test bench for reactors on an international scale capable of carrying out tests on large aeroplane engines like those on the Boeing 777 and A380.


This building (€43 million) allows around 300 aeroplane engines to be tested each year. Hélios (€45 million) is home to the Aerostructures sector for Air France Industries KLM in a new building in Roissy-en-France, to attract the «aerostructures» market for fleets in the making: B787, A350.
Airbus Helicopters (80,000 m2) is opening a manufacturing (production of blades, logistics, offices, restaurant) and R&D site at the Paris-Le Bourget airport. Finally, numerous SMEs and mid-cap companies are undertaking substantial projects for production sites in Val d’Oise, proof of this sector’s development.



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ASTech Paris Region

This aerospace Competitiveness Cluster, the first French cluster in Aeronautics, Space and Onboard Systems, groups together 100,000 employees, the majority of whom work in R&D. It brings together renowned companies in Val d’Oise such as Paris Airports, Aertec, Airbus Helicopters, Cefival, Dassault Aviation, Lisi Aerospace, Safran, Thales, etc. that network with the Val d’Oise Department, territorial authorities, public and private researchers and local SMEs.

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> Research and higher education

ENSEA: Graduate school in electrical engineering, computer science and telecommunications
ECS-Lab: Quartz (Greater Paris Polytechnical Institude laboratory: ENSEA– EISTI SUPMECA): System Command Team
ETIS (CNRS - ENSEA - UCP): Information Processing and Systems Team
LERMA (CNRS- ENS Cachan - Observatoire de Paris - UPMC - UPC) : Laboratory for Studies of Radiation and Matter in Astrophysics

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 1- Statistical data from the debate held on 12 May 2015 in the National Assembly



LPMS (CEA - UCP): Laboratory of Physics of Materials and Surfaces
LPPI (UCP): Laboratory of Physico- Chemistry of Polymers and Interfaces
MRTE (UCP) : Geography Laboratory on Mobility, Networks, Territories and Environment
SATIE (CNAM - CNRS - ENS Cachan - ENSRennes - IFSTTAR- Paris-Sud- UCP): Laboratory for Systems and Applications in
Information and Energy Technologies

> Public laboratories

Sagem Groupe SAFRAN

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Flagship companies in the Val d’Oise department

Conseil Alcoa Fastening Systems - Space and aeronautics industries
Aertec - Aeroplane seat maintenance
Airbus Helicopters - Helicopter blade test bench
Air France Industries Klm Engineering & Maintenance - Aircraft servicing and maintenance
Aircraft Interior Products (AIP) - Aeroplane finishes and interior renovation
Cefival - Steel tubes and sections for aeronautics
Chromalloy - General mechanics
Dassault Aviation - Aeroplane construction
Dassault Falcon Service - Business aviation jets
Elno - Audio and technology systems
Goodrich Actuation System SAS - Navigation equipement
Hispano-Suiza - Aircraft engines
Laroche Group - General mechanics sub-contractor for Airbus Helicopters
Le Joint Français - Specialised adhesives
Lisi Aerospace - Metal parts casting for aeronautics
Mäder - Paints and solvents
Sagem Défense Sécurité (Safran) - Navigation electronics and defense
Thales Training Simulation - Helicopter, military aeroplane simulators
Trochet - High-precision mechanics
Vector Aerospace France - Maintenance, repair and revision (MRR) for helicopters and aircraft

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Technologies and environmental eco-activities in the Val d’Oise



The Val d'Oise is playing its part in the rise of environmental engagement, hosting the largest biomass heating plant in France at Cergy-Pontoise, the model nanofiltration water treatment plant at Méry-sur-Oise and Véolia Environnement's training centre at Jouy-Le-Moutier.

carre France is keen to welcome champions of green growth. State recognition of competitiveness clusters dedicated to eco-technologies relating to water, waste management, construction and energy illustrate this desire. Water, treatment of soil pollution, carbon sequestration, deep geothermal energy, energy from waste, sustainable buildings and noise treatment all represent sources of economic potential offering perspectives for growth in French industry. France has more waste treatment plants than any other European country (365 incinerator plants, compared to 154 in Germany and 164 in Italy). Their purpose is

to minimise the hazardous nature of waste as well as make it easier to handle and recycle. It is estimated that France has over 8000 eco-businesses; the national market represents 20% of the European market as a whole. These companies employ a total of 650,000 people. France is characterised by the presence of worldleading multinationals alongside highly dynamic SMEs. Thanks to the presence of eco-industry multinationals, the Ile-de-France region accounts for half the national turnover in this sector and 50,000 jobs: a clear indication of the role played by the region in developing businesses working in the field.

The Val d'Oise département is part of the Île-de-France region, which is responsible for half of all national eco-activity turnover. The Val d'Oise itself is already home to some 300 companies working in this rapidly expanding sector.


«In order to keep pace with this rapidly-expanding sector (with average annual growth of between 5 and 10%, rising to 10-12% for waste processing and 30-40% for new energy technologies), national, regional and department initiatives will be taken throughout France with the aim of structuring this key sector ".
Department of Enterprise, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment, Ile-de-France Region.


carre (continued from the page 1)
D'ores Ile-de-France as a whole and the Val d'Oise in particular already benefit from a number of important assets for the development of ecoindustries:
the historical origin of a large number of environmental technologies, designed and developed in the region;
a closely-knit fabric of innovative SMEs working in specific technological niches;
major private and public-sector R&D centres;
the presence of multinationals in leading

positions in traditional environmental sectors;
a broad variety of consulting,
engineering and service professionals. The Val d'Oise is home to some 300 companies involved in environmental technology, spread across a number of fields. Every aspect of eco-activity (waste, water, air, noise, soil and energy) is represented in the Val d'Oise to differing degrees. In terms of the number of companies, waste tops the list, accounting for 48% of all companies, followed by water (29%) and just 4% relating to noise. 40%

are commercial in nature, 35% are industrial, while the remaining 25% are service-based. One of the historic flagship companies is Véolia Environnement, which set up its training centre here in 1994: every year, it welcomes 14,000 interns (6,500 on its Campus) and over 10,000 other visitors


The Val d'Oise Economic Development Board (Comité d'Expansion Économique du Val d'Oise, CEEVO) promotes fields of excellence locally. It works with networks of high-performance companies involved in these sectors, supporting projects designed to bring together the department's economic and institutional stakeholders through the Conseil Général's 2009-2019 Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development of the Economy and Employment.


AACTIBIO (Treatment products and biological filters) - Montmagny

ASHLAND France (Water treatment) - Bezons 

CANADA CLIM (Low-energy heating and air conditioning solution) - L'isle Adam

CGECP (Waste sorting, incineration and composting) - Saint-Ouen-L'aumone

FASEO (Renewab le energies) - Argenteuil

HYTEC INDUSTRIE (Construction of liquid industrial effluent treatment plants) - Saint-Ouen-L'aumone

IDEX ÉNERGIES (Climate control) - L'isle Adam

SIDAC (Waste processing equipment) - Ennery

SILEX INTERNATIONAL (Manufacture and marketing of hydrometric, groundwat er depollution and pumping equipment) - Ennery

ULTRAFILTER (Air handling equipment) - Vigny

VÉOLIA PROPRETÉ IDF (Industrial waste reception for sorting and recycling) - Goussainville

WATERLEAU France (Air depollution) - Cergy

COVED (Waste collection and processing) - Argenteuil


carre The OECD definition of eco-industry refers to "activities which produce goods and services to measure, prevent, limit, minimize or correct environmental damage to water, air and soil, as well as problems related to waste, noise and eco-systems." These eco-activities may be exercised by public administrations such as municipalities, local area authorities or private companies: the latter are known as "eco-businesses". Eco-businesses in France are enjoying rapid growth: overall, they grow faster in economic terms than the national average, successfully export their products and expertise and have a highly promising outlook. The growing awareness of the fragility of our mode of development is inciting governments to adopt increasingly stringent environmental policies; in turn, these generate new markets for ecobusinesses. What is more, the OECD/Eurostat definition specifies that eco-activities include "technologies, products and services that reduce environmental risk and minimise pollution and resources..." The definition excludes the manufacture of products and equipment which are "clean" or "lean" (in terms of energy or raw materials). However, any clearly identifiable research/ development and engineering activity prior to the marketing of such "cleaner" or "lowenergy- use" products has been classified as an eco-activity. The field of eco-activities also includes all companies whose activity is related indirectly to the first type of company: industrial products designed solely for environmental use and construction activities requiring

specific technical expertise. Unlike 'curative' activities (such as end-ofprocess collection and treatment of polluting effluents, waste disposal, subsequent depollution of contaminated sites and soils and so on) which currently make up the majority of eco-industrial activities, 'preventive' activities are aimed at introducing changes to the design and operation of production systems and urban districts.


carre Launched in September 2004, the Yvelines / Val d'Oise eco-industry network is the fruit of an initiative by the Versailles Val d'Oise / Yvelines Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Composed of companies which are leaders in their respective fields, its purpose is to bring together key expertise and skills relating to the environment in the following fields:
- waste collection, processing and recycling
- production of industrial water and treatment of waste water,
- treatment of gas emissions,
- reduction of noise and vibrations from equipment, etc.,
- soil depollution and site restoration,
- equipment for the production of renewable energies,
- emissions analysis and measurement,
- consultancy and design relating to the environment and sustainable development; High Environmental Quality (HQE) construction. The aim of this network is to enhance members' individual and collective competitiveness by promoting dialogue between local stakeholders.

Higher education and research:

LAMBE: Analysis and Modelling for Biology and the Environment - University of Cergy-Pontoise - Saint Martin Site
ERRMECe: Extracellular matrix/cellular relationships research team - University of Cergy-Pontoise - Saint Martin Site
L2MGC: Civil engineering mechanics and materials lab - University of Cergy-Pontoise - Neuville Site
LPPI: Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Interfaces Laboratory - University of Cergy-Pontoise - Neuville Site
GEC: Cergy Geoscience and Environment lab - University of Cergy-Pontoise - Neuville Site

SATIE: Information Technology and Energy Systems and Applications Laboratory - University of Cergy-Pontoise - Neuville Site
SOSCO: Selective Organic Synthesis and Organometallic Chemistry laboratory - University of Cergy-Pontoise - Neuville Site
MRTE: Mobility, Networks, Localities and the Environment - University of Cergy-Pontoise - Chênes 2 Site


The ESSEC offers a Masters specialising in Urban Management, Environment and Services.
The EISTI offers a Masters specialising in Local Risk Management.
The ITIN offers a number of Masters in network and communications engineering.
The ISTOM trains engineers in International Agro-Development.















DThe University of Cergy-Pontoise offers a professional Masters at the crossroads between civil engineering, electrical engineering and industrial computer science. Students have to complete practical technical projects (100 hours) and at least 26 weeks' worth of work placements over two years.

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Véolia Environnement is the only multinational to bring together services covering water, energy, transport and cleaning, with over 330,000 employees in 72 countries. Its subsidiary Véolia Propreté Île-de-France offers global and environmentally-friendly solutions for all types of waste, including collection and recycling through sorting, composting, incineration and storage. Located in the Val d'Oise, the Goussainville Regional Agency manages a number of facilities, including Véolia Propreté Île-de-France's Non-Hazardous Waste Storage site, the final and vital link in the waste processing chain on the multi-activity site at Plessis-Gassot Bouqueval. This site, which employs some 100 people, features the very latest technology in recycling and care for the environment. Waste is inspected immediately on arrival: its origin, the identity

of the customer and carrier, the type of waste, the presence of any radioactivity and so on are all recorded for maximum traceability. Visual inspection enables pre-sorting of recyclable waste such as cardboard, plastic, steel and wood. The rest is buried in specific compartments to ensure groundwater is not contaminated, equipped with a drainage system to collect the biogas produced by waste fermentation. This biogas is then routed to an energy-from-waste unit, where it is turned into electricity. Rainwater which has passed through the waste is also treated and purified before being returned to the natural environment. Véolia Propreté Île-de-France also manages a number of other facilities in the Val d'Oise, with collection points and processing centres at Vigny, Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône and Sarcelles and a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) treatment plant at Gonesse. Since 1994, the Val d'Oise has also been home to the Véolia Environnement Campus. This accommodates a lifelong training centre, an Institute of the Urban Environment and the headquarters of the group's Training Department.


Véolia Environnement Campus: facts and figures ------------------------------------------

Located in the grounds of the Écancourt Château estate in Jouy-Le-Moutier, the Véolia Environnement Campus has 22,000 m2 of space. It caters for 610 apprentices, 14,000 interns (6,500 of them on the Campus itself) and over 10,000 visitors annually. In terms of initial training, it offers 16 professional diplomas relating to water, cleaning, transport and energy, ranging from NVQ-type qualifications to Masters, and dispenses a total of 450,000 hours' worth of lifelong training to the group's employees.



Located in the Val d'Oise since 1988, Hytec Industrie is an engineering company which specialises in the design, construction and maintenance of industrial effluent treatment and recycling facilities. With a workforce of 40, the company has commercial sites in Cergy-Pontoise (its headquarters), Lyon and Poitiers. It operates at every stage of the water management cycle in industry: treating raw water prior to use (filtration, ion exchange, reverse osmosis); consumption control and recycling (ion exchange and membrane separation; evapoconcentration; purifying residual water prior to discharge using physical/chemical or biological processes). The company has already set up over 500 installations, some 30 of them abroad, in fields as diverse as surface treatment and mechanics, chemicals, the glass industry, cardboard manufacture, industrial laundry, agribusiness, waste treatment and groundwater depollution. Hytec Industrie has also structured its service business to address the growing need for contracted maintenance and operation. In addition to a large number of SMEs, the company's customers include Alcatel, Arcelor, Areva, Bic, BRGM, EADS, Faurecia, Monnaie de Paris, PSA, RATP, Renault, Saint- Gobain,

Socar Smurfit, SNCF, Total and other well-known firms. Its local customers include Air France Industries in Roissy, Dassault Aviation and André Richard in Argenteuil, the Inter-Hospital Laundry in Gonesse, Atotech, Elis Localinge and Lisi Automotive in Saint-Ouen-l'Aumône. In 2009, Hytec Industrie was awarded ISO 14001 certification, further strengthening its credibility in terms of sustainable development.









Established in 1924, Ashland Water Technologies is one of the five leading companies worldwide for chemical additives and products designed for environmentallyfriendly water treatment. Its French subsidiary Ashland Industries France SAS is headquartered in Alizay in the Eure, while its administrative and sales departments (employing some 100 people) have been located in Bezons in the Val d'Oise since 1991. Wholeheartedly committed to environmental protection, Ashland devises and formulates its own products, favouring the use of raw materials and technologies with the least possible impact on health, safety and environment. With a focus on water treatment, over the last 15 years Ashland has developed products and equipment ranges based on renewable raw materials and with minimal or even zero impact on the environment. Its revolutionary technologies include the Enviroplus® corrosion inhibitor range (*) and the Sonoxide® ultrasound water treatment system (**). As a result, Ashland is a leading supplier for a number of sectors: mining, chemicals (adhesives, industrial coatings, inks, pigments and so on), mechanical and manufacturing industries (automotive, pharmaceuticals, textiles, etc.) as well as municipal water treatment plants. There is considerable growth in demand from the tertiary sector (offices, schools, hospitals, etc.)

and agribusiness (beverages, canning plants and dairy products). A score of its clients are located in the Val d'Oise. Ashland is also the world's leading producer of chemical products with minimal health impact for the manufacture of paper.


(*) corrosion inhibitors and dispersants, including a biodispersant which occurs naturally in orange peel!
(**) a non-chemical biocide water treatment system based on a combination of ultrasound and air bubbles

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