Security, safety and risk management in Val d’Oise

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We also have Airbus Helicopters (aeronautical construction), Brinks (banking security), 3M (diversified technology), UTC Fire & Security Services, Sagem Défense Sécurité (inertial and optronic technology) and 500 SMEs and SMIs, some specialising in airport security and another operating in the security for people and property (video-surveillance and security staff, etc.) around the airport platform at Paris Roissy-CDG.

Val d’Oise also has a network of public and private laboratories working on the latest research into the sector (ESSEC, EISTI and EPMI, etc.).
The new Pôle Judiciaire de la Gendarmerie Nationale (PJGN) has made its home in Pontoise, including the Institut de Recherche Criminelle de la Gendarmerie Nationale (IRCGN), the Service Central de Renseignement Criminel (SCRC) and the Centre de Lutte contre les Criminalités Numériques (C3N).

Implemented by CEEVO (Comité d’Expansion Économique du Val d’Oise) and the Association du Pays de Roissy-CDG, Global Security Initiatives (GSI) focuses on three different areas
1. Protection of users: defining “global security” requirements to provide support with the digital revolution that is changing the way we live and the way businesses work.
2. Economic competitiveness: boosting the national security, safety and risk management sector and devising a technological response and tailored services for addressing
security issues.
3. Attraction of the region: conducting local experiments. The challenge we face is to bring managers from regional communities together to deliver a “development with
confidence” approach for investors looking for a secure environment with room to grow.

Val d’Oise is the “ideal place for experimentation”, drawing legitimacy from the presence of critical infrastructures such as Roissy-CDG and its location at the hub of Grand Paris.


It has access to the world’s ten biggest players in the security, safety and risk management sector and their research laboratories located in the region, and can draw on a wealth of experience in the aviation sector.

The aim of GSI in Val d’Oise is to develop new technological responses and services. The approach also feeds into several plans under the Nouvelle France Industrielle (intelligent networks, digital hospitals, cybersecurity, Internet of Things, contact-less services, etc.). 



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Université Paris Seine

The COMUE Université Paris Seine, covering the Université de Cergy-Pontoise and 12 establishments, has selected security as an international excellence project.

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> Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
ERRMECe: Équipe de recherche sur les relations matrice extracellulaire-cellules
• Extracellular matrix, cellular behaviour and physiopathology
• Biofilm and Microbial Behaviour at Interfaces
L2MGC: Laboratoire de mécanique et matériaux du génie civil
• Mechanical and thermal behaviour of civil engineering materials and structures
ETIS: Équipes Traitement de l’Information et Systèmes
• Multimedia data indexing and data integration
- Digital communications
- Neurocybernetics
- Reconfigurable systems on a chip
SATIE: Systèmes et Applications des Technologies de l’Information et de l’Énergie
• IT security: turbocodes
• Aviation security: reliability of on-board systems
THEMA: Théorie Économique, Modélisation et
• Risk and finance
MRTE: Mobilité, Réseaux, Territoires et Environnement
- Safety of people and property: flooding incidents
- Environmental risk and damage
LPTM: Laboratoire de physique théorique et modélisation
• Nanophysics, condensed matter, complex systems
• Integrable systems
• Stochastic modelling of major systems
CESDIP: Centre de recherche sociologique sur le droit et les institutions pénales

It also focuses on boosting and deepening the network of SMEs and SMIs and setting an example at national and international level.

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: Laboratoire d’Études Juridiques et Politiques
• CERSC : Centre d’Étude et de Recherche en Sciences Criminelles

Technology Platforms
• Cosmétomique: Objective measurement for cosmetics
• Analyse & Microscopie: Innovative materials and processes
• LaserInnov: Characterisation, conservation and restoration
• Analyse et microscopie: Innovative materials and processes.

> École de Biologie Industrielle (EBI)
Prevention - Remediation: Evaluation and identification of industrial and environmental risk, product protection and conservation:
• Microbiological safety, new antimicrobials, probiotics
• Health and safety, risk management
• Modelling environmental, biological and industrial spills
• Bio-remediation and photo-catalysis

>Laboratoire Quartz (EISTI-ENSEA-Supmeca)
• Complex systems, mechatronic systems,
• Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), emantic web
• Reduced and compact multi-physics models
• Operating safety and dynamic system reconfiguration
• Intelligent materials

> École d’ingénieur en Agro-Développement International (ISTOM)
• Strategy of players in the South in response to climate, social and economic impacts
• Innovative process diagnostics and impact evaluation
• Evaluation of support systems.

> ECAM EPMI : LR2E : Laboratoire de Recherche en Éco-innovation Industrielle et Énergétique
• Energy and City of the Future
• Production and Green Logistics
• Mechatronics and On-Board Systems


Major companies in Val d’Oise

3M France - Diversified technologies
ATOS - Digital services
BRINK’S France - Banking security
BUREAU VERITAS - Regulations
EMC2 - Data management
FORCLUM ÉNERGIE SERVICES - Overhead power lines
ICTS - Airport security
LABORATOIRE CERBA - Medical security
MORPHO - Biometrics
MSP - Global security assistance
NEDAP - Anti-theft protection
NEO SECURITY - Biological monitoring
PSID - Fire safety
SAFRAN - Biometric ID
SAGEM - Inertial and optronic technology
SECURITAS France - Surveillance and security
STERIGENE - Sterile process engineering
SOPHOS - IT security
THALES - Simulation
UTC Fire & Security Services - Fire safety

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