Security, safety and risk management in Val d’Oise

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GSI (Global Security Initiatives)

The Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO) and the Association Pays de Roissy-CDG set up a Global Security Initiatives think tank in 2014 for improved governance across public, private, civil and military management bodies. The objective: focus on anticipation and not just compliance in terms of security within businesses, administrations and communities with the aim of promoting crisis prevention and implementing a capacity for defence at all regional levels.

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CEEVO raises the profile of the security, safety and risk management sector with studies, information resources and databases, making them available to the businesses and academic institutions in the sector and by supporting networks and organising initiatives and events via the GSI think tank.

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Close-up of a sector

The security, safety and risk management market is undergoing major change and strong growth. The market has taken on a whole new dimension in the wake of global terrorist attacks and the Sony and TV 5 Monde hacking incidents. The technology is evolving fast, with a powerful impact on how businesses and administrations develop in the face of globalisation.

Growth in industrial cyber-crime, such as cyber-terrorism, is reflected in a 51% increase in attacks in France in 2014. The sectors most affected are not banking and insurance, but the industrial sector. Pharma, armaments, chemicals and energy are the main targets alongside the press and publishing. The impact of such attacks is increasing in terms of financial loss, loss of clients, employee poaching and loss of image. At the time of the Sony data hacking incident, all areas of the company were affected.

Administrations and businesses face unidentified risks due to the growth of data volumes (big data, cloud computing, mobility, etc.), increased number of interrelationships (Internet of Things) and sophistication of unpredictable, asymmetrical and polymorphous threats, particularly in cyberspace. New solutions such as networked cars, intelligent networks and social networks, Industry 4.0, digital hospitals, e-health and smart cities have opened up the way to further disaster scenarios taking advantage of the many inherent flaws, resulting in a major impact on both the industrial fabric and local populations.

All aspects of the security, safety and risk management sector are represented in Val d’Oise. The department is home to the world’s biggest operators in the sector, such as Autoliv Electronic (vehicle safety), Morpho (world biometrics expert), Thales with its simulation arm and three major data security players: Atos (worldwide leader in digital services), Sophos (global leader in IT security) and EMC2 (world data management specialist).

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