Cosmetics in Val d'Oise

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Val d’Oise, a trusted territory

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Testing and Measurement expertise

The Val d’Oise department supports business innovation and R&D, a priority focus of its economic development. It has encouraged the partnership with the Cosmetic Valley since 2009 in order to support its cosmetics sector. This Competitiveness Cluster brings together 300 member companies. Val d’Oise thus capitalises on its expertise in testing and measurement for cosmetic products, a field that represents a major challenge for the cosmetics sector and for its company base.

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Business conventions

COMET at Cergy-Pontoise - Many noninvasive methods are now used to characterize the cosmetic products properties and their interactions with skin and hair. Physico-chemical studies, biological and clinical effects measurements, the development of new instrumental techniques... are crucial for the cosmetic sector. COMET (Cosmetic Measurement & Testing) is the 1st scientific congress dedicated to cosmetics testing & measurement, the place where academic researchers, the major firms, SMEs and start-ups from around the world share knowledge and participate in scientific discussion.

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Close-up of a sector

The cosmetics sector represents 5,200 jobs in the Val d’Oise department. It is one of the sectors that has made the most progress in the territory over the past 10 years.
The third-largest sector in terms of exports in France, with 25% of the global market, the French cosmetics industry is mainly divided between three regions: Île-de-France, where it originated, and the regions of Centre-Val de Loire and Normandy. 800 companies in these 3 regions, of which 78% are SMEs, are listed within the Cosmetic Valley competitiveness
cluster. More than one cosmetic product in 10 sold throughout the world is made in the Cosmetic Valley, which has become the world’s leading cosmetics territory.

Sysley chooses Val d'Oise

In the Île-de-France region, which constitutes the largest employment market in the sector, Val d’Oise is home to major names in the cosmetics and perfume industry, most of which have been established for over a quarter of a century.

For example, the Ales Groupe, which has been developing its personal care products Lierac, its range of hair care products Phyto and its Caron perfumes in Bezons since 1988; Clarins, established since 1976 in Val d’Oise, which operates laboratories and production units for its personal care and make-up lines in its 60,000 m2 facility in Pontoise; Matis, which produces professional hair care and beauty products in Osny; Les laboratoires Payot in Cergy; and Sisley, which has chosen to bring together its laboratories and global supply chain in a 45,000 m2 facility in Le Parc de Saint-Ouen l’Aumône.
Val d’Oise is also home to the laboratories and perfumery school of the world leader in aromas and fragrances, Givaudan, creator of perfumes like Angel by Thierry Mugler and Opium by Yves Saint-Laurent, and those of the world no. 5, the Japanese company Takasago, established in Argenteuil and Saint-Ouenl’Aumône respectively.

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Par Moreover, other cosmetics companies have settled in the Val d’Oise laboratories and/or production units. Daito Kasei, a Japanese company, produces colour pigments for cosmetics in Frépillon. Evaflor assisted Phycosource (a start-up from Cergy-Pontoise) in the production of micro-algae extracts for testing purposes. Perfrance creates custom-made perfumes for export (brand distributors, etc.) in Cormeilles-en-Vexin. Paris Axe cosmétique sells make-up products for professionals and distributors.

Sensient Cosmetic Technologies: its international showcase in Val d’Oise

Sensient Cosmetic Technologies, an American group specialising in pigments and colorants for the cosmetics industry, has chosen the Val d’Oise department and is investing in its French plant and its offices in Cergy-Pontoise in order to make this area its international showcase.
The Val d’Oise department provides cosmetics companies with an ecosystem that promotes their growth and everything that contributes to the development of a strategic field of activity based on objectivation (the profiling of active ingredients in cosmetics).


Val d’Oise has capitalised on a major challenge for growth and innovation within this sector: testing and measurement for cosmetics. As such, several stakeholders that specialise in the evaluation and profiling of cosmetics are present in Val d’Oise, including the Val d’Oise Measurement Network (Cluster of SMEs specialising in the measurement field). This is also the case of the Cosmetomic platform, led by the University of Cergy-Pontoise, which helps companies in the sector to innovate and provide proof that France brand products are safe and effective, using top-quality tools in terms of measurement and profiling. This is why the Cosmetic Valley has chosen the Val d’Oise department to organise COMET (Cosmetic Measurement &Testing), an international scientific congress that brings together international scientists, engineers, manufacturers and academic researchers every two years based on this theme, in Cergy-Pontoise.





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The Economic Expansion Committee (CEEVO) promotes the cosmetics sector through studies, information tools and databases available to companies and academic stakeholders in the sector, as well as through the coordination of networks and the organisation of demonstrations.
The Val d’Oise Measurement Network brings together the SMEs from the Val d’Oise department working in evaluation (testing) and cosmetic profiling; a Cosmetomic platform, «Cosmetomic@UCP» led by the University of Cergy-Pontoise contributes to providing proof that cosmetic products are safe and effective.

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Research and higher education
School of Industrial Biology (EBI) at the Saint-Louis Polytechnical Institute: engineers and managers in the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, agro-industrial and environmental sectors.
University of Cergy-Pontoise (UFR “Sciences and techniques”): Cosmetest 3-year degree, Masters in fine chemistry, polymer, analysis; cosmetic analysis method and technique, biochemistry of living materials; life sciences and new technologies- PhD in Chemistry.

The aim is to promote excellence in cosmetics in Val d’Oise and the sector’s stakeholders in the world.


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ESSEC - Luxury MBA:
the only MBA specialising in international luxury brand management.
EBI - ESCOM(1) - ISIPCA(2): supported by the Federation of Perfume Industries, the 3 schools have come together to organise a specialised Master’s degree (BAC + 6) in «international safety and regulation of perfumes and cosmetic products».

Public laboratories
ERRMECE: Extracellular/Cellular Matrix Relations Research Team.
SOSCO-UCP/ESCOM/CNRS: Selective Organic Synthesis and Organometallic Chemistry Laboratory.
LPPI: Polymer and Interface Physicochemistry Laboratory.
GRP2H: a branch of the INSERM 680 unit focused on Hereditary Hepatic Physiopathologies: molecular biology, DNA sequencing, cloning.

(1) ESCOM : (1) Higher School of Organic and Mineral Chemistry.
(2) ISIPCA : Higher Institute of Perfume, Cosmetics and Food Flavourings.


Flagship companies in the Val d’Oise department

Alès groupe - Production and packaging of beauty products
Bioros (laboratories) - Design and production of parapharmaceutical and cosmetic products
Clarins - Production and packaging of beauty products
Daitokasei Europe - Distribution of basic organic chemicals
Evaflor - Industrial production of perfumes and cosmetic products
Fragrance Contact - Design and production of fragrances for the perfume industry, cosmetics, personal hygiene products, household products and home fragrance products
Givaudan France fragrances - Perfume and fragrance creator
Herba Galenica - Cosmetics and nutrition science laboratory
Leonor Greyl - Shipment of hair care products
NG Payot - Production and sale of beauty products
Matis - Production of cosmetic products
Perfrance - Design and production of brand-name perfumes
Paris Axe cosmétique - Sale of beauty and cosmetic accessories
Phycosource - Biotechnology related to micro-algae and screening. Sale of plant extracts
Sensient Cosmetic Technologies - Colorants for cosmetics and hair colour
Sisley - Logistics laboratory and platform for beauty products, cosmetics and perfumes
Takasago Europe perfumery laboratory - Production and creation of fragrance concentrates
Tison Gallois (laboratories) - Production

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