The Rubber and Polymers industry in the Val d'Oise


Research and higher education: Training Centres
Cergy-Pontoise University («science and techniques faculty»):

- Biology department: vocational Bachelor's degree in biotechnology (specialising in production and diagnosis); Masters in biochemistry of materials; Masters in structured matter and living systems.

- Chemistry department:
vocational Bachelor's degree in industrial formulation; Masters in fine chemistry, polymers and analysis; Masters in control and quality; Masters in advanced techniques and materials science; PhD in chemistry; PhD in fluid mechanics.

EBI (Higher Institute of Industrial Biology): engineering diploma in industrial biology and Master of Business Engineering in Quality Assurance and Process Validation.

ATOMER offers ongoing vocational training in chemistry and polymers.
Mail :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
Tél: +33(0)1 39 84 15 87
ATOMER - 13 rue de la Coque - 95410 Groslay - France

Research laboratories working in Rubber and Polymers in the Val d'Oise
The University of Cergy- Pontoise has 4 Rubber and Polymers laboratories in the Val d'Oise:

- LPPI (Physical chemistry of Polymers and Interfaces Laboratory), which specialises in developing materials from conducting polymers and insulators.
- LPMS (Materials and Surface Physics Laboratory).
- ERRMECe (Extra- Cellular/Cellular Matrix Relationships Research Laboratory).
- SOSCO (Selective Organic Synthesis and Organometallic Chemistry laboratory). This research unit, set up by the University of Cergy- Pontoise, the ESCOM and the CNRS, has three teams of researchers specialising in applied organometallic chemistry for organic synthesis.

Challenge for SMEs in the rubber industry
Since January 2009, the professional organisations in the rubber industry have decided to step up their efforts in response to the call for projects entitled «Human capital - gaining skills for increased competitiveness» launched by the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment.
The project is being conducted by Elastopôle, in partnership with UCAPLAST (Joint professional union of Rubber and plastics SMEs) and the SNCP (National Rubber and Polymers Union).
Its purpose is to assist SMEs nationwide, more especially those in the Val d'Oise, in order to anticipate changes to their business, invest in human capital, help them with their situation as regards retirements and recruitment and thus develop their competitiveness using employment and skills diagnoses.

Operation partners:

Elastopôle : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SNCP : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

UCAPLAST : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 The Val d'Oise is home to nine competitiveness clusters including Elastopôle, recognised on July 5, 2007 by the Interminsterial Board of Regional Planning and Competitiveness. Elastopôle brings together companies, laboratories and training bodies in the Rubber and Polymers industry in the Val d'Oise. Its aim is to encourage business and employment by creating momentum for technological innovation and stimulating positive synergies between industry stakeholders.



media48834Elastopôle already has 70 members, including world-leading multinationals working in the field of tyres and industrial rubber, a network of SMEs with recognised industrial knowledge and public and private-sector laboratories (over 3,500 researchers) located in the Val d'Oise as well as in the Centre, Auvergne, Pays de Loire and Île-de-France regions. This competitiveness cluster relies on a large number of stakeholders in the Paris region, including the French Rubber and Polymers Centre which brings together the National Rubber and Polymers Union, the Rubber and Plastics Research and Control Laboratory (LRCCP), the Rubber Training Institute (IFOCA) and the University of Cergy-Pontoise.
Its aim is to broaden companies' product and service offerings by strengthening their competitive advantages thanks to new R&D and industrialisation techniques. To fulfil this mission, the cluster's research projects are structured around three major areas which the stakeholders located in the Val d'Oise identify with: business lines (materials, design, manufacturing processes and innovative products), energy and the environment, economics and social concerns. The effectiveness of the cluster focuses on the implementation of synergies between Industry, Research and Training – something which is already wellestablished in the Val d'Oise – with the aim of Elastopôle being recognised as a model of international competitiveness.


«The Val d'Oise is the most representative département in the Greater Paris area for rubber processing»
Bruno Marostegan, cluster director.

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