Goods transport in Val d’Oise

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Promoting  innovation
Val d’Oise puts the focus on innovation.
The transport sector has 650 businesses located there.

Many  Val  d’Oise  companies  have  located around Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport and Paris-Le  Bourget  business  airport,  including DHL International Express, Europe Airpost, France  Handling  /  WFS,  SAGA  France, Schenker,  SDV  Logistique  International, TNT  Express  National,  Transport  Mazet Paris and UPS (United Parcel Service).

A multi-modal hub in Île-de-France 
Val d’Oise is developing large-scale projects on the back of the impetus provided by Greater Paris.  45  minutes  from  Paris,  Bruyères-sur- Oise will be the gateway to the major ports of northern Europe when the Canal Seine-Nord Europe is completed. The expansion of river freight is is one of the objectives of the Grenelle Environment Forum (increase alternatives to road transport by 25%). 

Bruyères-sur-Oise has everything it needs to consolidate its position as a major port in Val-d’Oise.
In addition to the multi-modal platform for transport and logistics companies, a rail shuttle also provides a link to the Chapelle International (Paris 18) urban terminal, transporting the equivalent of 60 semi-trailers.

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Support network

Higher education and training:

Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP)
33, boulevard du Port 95011 - Cergy-Pontoise cedex
>  DUT in Logistics and Transport Management
Vocational Bachelor’s Degree in Transport and Distribution Management
Vocational Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management – Passenger Transport
Master’s degree in Engineering, Transport and Mobility Networks Management
Master’s degree in Transport, Territory and Environment with Geography, Planning, Environment and Development
Master’s degree in the Operation and Development of Public Transport Networks with Geography, Planning, Environment and Development
 Master’s degree in Complex Systems IT and Engineering – Electronics for Autonomous Systems
 Bachelor’s Degree in Geography and Planning

GARAC École nationale des professions de l'automobile d'Argenteuil
3, Bd Gallieni - BP 30004 - 95102 Argenteuil Cedex

>  Bodyworke Mechanics and Electronics >  Electric Vehicles >  Hybrid Vehicles >  On-board Computing >  Autonomous Vehicles

13 boulevard de l'Hautil  - 95092 Cergy-Pontoise cedex  

> EVF “Énergétique et Ville du Futur” (Energy and Cities of the Future)
> MPI “Mécatronique et Productique Industrielle” (Mechatronics and Industrial Production)



MRTE - Laboratory of mobility, network, regional and environmental geography (UCP)

● Public policy and regions in transition
● Changes in mobility and transport
● Heritage enhancement
● Environment, participation and digitalisation challenges

SATIE - Information  and energy technology systems and applications (UCP)

Research into information systems:
● Instrumentation and imaging
● Methods and tools for signals and systems
● Bio-micro-systems and bio-captors

Research into energy systems:
● Power electronics and integration
● Magnetic materials for energy
● Energy systems for transport and the environment
● Advanced e-mobility

TESLA platform developed by Laboratoire Quartz, (ECAM EPMI)

Research into a dynamic route system for recharging vehicle batteries by induction while they are travelling.


Major companies in Val d’Oise

Calberson Paris Europe -International and national road transport.

Chronopost - Express transport worldwide.

DHL International Express 
Express transport and international courier. 

FedEX - Express transport. Air freight. 

Geodis Freight Forwarding France - Small package express transport, international, import/export.

Heppner - National and international transport.

MG Transport - Public goods transport. National courier. 

Nippon Express France - Worldwide freight forwarder, import/export.

Prevote Location - Industrial vehicle leasing. Transport and distribution.

Rave Distribution - Goods transport by road and industrial vehicle leasing.

SAGA France - Collection and dispatch of air freight, exports.

Schenker - International transport. Air, sea and road freight.

SDV Logistique International - Air freight agent. Freight forwarder. 

Transport Mazet Paris - Transport, courier, freighting and storage.

UPS (United Parcel Service) - National and international express courier transport.

UPS SCS France - Air and sea freight. Freight forwarder.

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